/ / Different people? Different types of temperament

Different people? Different kinds of temperament

What is temperament?This is a complex of individual features and characteristics of a particular person, the pace of mental processes, emotionality, the degree of stress tolerance, constancy of feelings, etc. Temperament - a characteristic that remains unchanged throughout life.

Types of temperament are determined in early childhood.This property of the person is very stable, it is almost beyond change. It is very important to take into account when raising a child, his learning, the organization of his free time. Types of temperament should be considered by teachers, parents, and heads who want to create a workable team. Correctly selected staff is the key to the success of the company. Properly chosen parenting measures are the basis for the success of a future adult.

Несмотря на то, что ученые сегодня провели четкие borders, denoting types of temperaments, there are no pronounced choleric people, sanguine, etc. in the world. All people are characterized by temperament mixed, but with a predominance of the features of a particular warehouse.

Types of temperament. Specifications


These people are completely unsuitable formonotonous or monotonous work. Hot-tempered, emotional, sometimes prone to unrestrained, choleric people very quickly get involved in new ideas, literally fall in love with new people, instantly get involved in violent activity. However, just as quickly disappointed, cool. Active interest is replaced by choleric apathy, devil-may-care attitude.

People with this temperament do not allowrestrictions in movement. Impatient, intractable, often unrestrained, choleric people always act as leaders. Teenagers do not just run away from their lessons. They can arrange an entire class escape or rip a lesson. Older people are often at the head of questionable enterprises, often getting involved in disputes and fights. However, they can also be great organizers of romantic adventures. Work quickly, enthusiastically. Active, gambling, fervent, choleric persons can even be leaders, although in this case they are best balanced by calmer types.


People who appear to be lethargic, evenapathetic. In fact, melancholic is deeply worried for any reason. A bad word, a rash act can lead them to a nervous breakdown. They are afraid of everything, constantly reflex, worry.

Melancholic seek to avoid anymental stress, any new situations. Reluctantly get acquainted with people, badly join group. Externally, these types of temperament can be recognized by alienation. It is the melancholic most often teased, mocked. These people, even adults, often fall under the influence of others that can determine their lives. Melancholic best to entrust tasks that do not require emotions, mental stress, experiences.

Sanguine men

If you compare the types of temperaments with each other,then sanguine persons are the most accommodating, workable and adaptable type. Their facial expressions are rich in the most delicate shades, movements and gestures are precise, meaningful. Sanguine people are well aware of their emotions, they are excellent workers. Such people can be both leaders and subordinates.

They are fast, successful, everywhere they have time, their horizons are unusually wide. Sanguine people easily master any type of activity, they are balanced, active, reliable.


Differ from other very balancedcharacter. From the phlegmatic can not wait for a quick response. On the contrary, slowly responding to what is happening, phlegmatic able to calmly overcome any difficulties, endure all the trouble. They are not very resourceful, but they are able to slowly, for a long time, persistently do the work. Phlegmatic people are very selective in their communication, and they do not easily converge with people. Never claiming to be leaders, phlegmatic persons are indispensable in a team: they are the ones who turn to them for advice or help in critical situations.

Types of human temperament remain unchangedall life. Competent teachers, attentive managers should keep this in mind when forming assignments, engaging in educational or production activities.