/ Umrevinsky Ostrog (Moshkovsky District): description. Sights of the Novosibirsk Region

Umrevinskiy Ostrog (Moshkovsky district): description. Sights of the Novosibirsk region

Umrevinsky prison was erected in 1703Russian Cossacks. The prerequisites for this were the heated military-political situation in the Novosibirsk Priobye. At that time, the Russian population could migrate very limitedly. This continued until, in 1695, Alexei Stepanov’s son Kruglik did not receive a special document. It was confirmed the right to use this land. This paper was issued by the Tomsk Voivodship Office.

Location of the prison

In the place where the river Umereva flows into the Ob, on the left bank there was a fort. Today it is the Novosibirsk region. The building is located 3 km north-west from the village of Umreva.

The construction of Russian ostrog was begun in 1590. Thus, moving from the city of Tobolsk along the Ob River, the eastern defensive line of the Russian kingdom was built.

umurinsky prison

Russian forts

Since then, many such structures were built on the vast Russian expanses:

  • Achinsky - 1641;
  • Berdsky - 1716;
  • Ket - 1596;
  • Kuznetsky - in 1618 was erected near the confluence of the river Kondoma in the river Tom, and in 1620 was relocated to the right bank of the river. Tom;
  • Melessky - 1621;
  • Narymsky - 1595;
  • Semiluzhny - built in 1609, as an intersection outpost, and after 53 years was rebuilt, as a full-fledged prison (fortress);
  • Surgut - 1594;
  • Tomsk - 1604;
  • Umrevinsky - 1703;
  • Urtamsky - 1684;
  • Chaussky - 1713 year.

Future prison towns were built on the Yenisei River, except for Surgut, which belongs to Tomsk County.

Built Umrevinsky jail was the first toNovosibirsk land and marked the beginning of the construction of the following. This was due to well-established circumstances - the Kyrgyz were defeated in 1701 by Ivan Tikhonov and Alexei Kruglikov. As a result, the warlike nomadic Yenisei tribes were hijacked in 1703 deep into the Khanate (northwestern China) by the Dzungars.

Umrivinsky prison how to drive

What did the jail look like?

In 1702, A. Kruglikov, along with a detachment consisting of servicemen, climbed the Ob river to the Oyash and Umrev rivers in order to determine the place for the construction of a new burg.

Umervinsky prison was located on a flat platform, which has the following dimensions:

  • 700 meters along the coastline;
  • from the water inland 250 - 300 meters.

Around the fort stood a forest consisting of birches, poplars and pines.

In the 17th century, the prison had a quadrangular shape, anda ditch, a shaft and a wooden palisade with three viewing towers passed along its perimeter. Umrevinsky jail was larger than its neighbors — other wooden fortifications of Siberia. Its size exceeded even Kazymsky and Lyapinsky, which were located on the middle Ob. However, this jail was not the largest - in its parameters it was aimed at the Sayan, built on the Middle Yenisei.

As evidenced by the chronicle entries, forthe clerk's house was located on high wooden walls and a place was allocated on which there were granaries (“state barns”) and the Church of the Three Saints. Other economic and residential buildings were located behind the walls of the prison - in the settlement, whose number in 1727 reached a record figure - almost 50 yards.

river Umreva

Umrevinsky jail: how to drive?

From the station Novosibirsk-Main need to get toMoshkovo station on the train (Moshkovsky district). From this settlement, you can get to the village of Umreva or to the village of Tashara by bus. Getting on the bus, it’s best to let the driver know about his intention to visit the prison, then he will tell you where to go. After all, the prison can be reached in several ways:

  • From Umrevy will need to walk about three kilometers, exploring the area and breathing fresh air. If there is no such desire, then you can hire a car in the village and get to the prison.
  • From Novosibirsk, you can get to Tashary by bus, but it is best to choose a flight that goes at 17:00, because the route is specifically extended to the fort.
  • You can also hire a taxi from Novosibirsk - the price for the train will be 600 - 700 rubles.
  • There is another option:drive from the direction of Bolotniy (from the village of Oyash) through the village of Raduga and the village of Voronovo. But here there are big problems with transport, so it’s best not to choose this path, although it is considered the shortest.

sights of the Novosibirsk region

Ostrog as an archaeological site

Umrevinsky jail (Novosibirsk region, Moshkovsky district) is an archaeological monument, which had a rather complex structure.

The prison consisted of the following defenses:

  • "Garlic" - was a star-connected steel pins that were scattered on the ground, not allowing the infantry and cavalry to pass.
  • Nadolba - several rows of logs, which were buried in the ground vertically or with a bias towards the enemy. They acted above the surface at 0.5-1.2 meters.
  • The earthen bank was a high mound, as a rule, which had a moat near the water. He served as an obstacle for the enemy and covered the internal fortifications located close by.
  • Slingshot - one of the most ancient field obstacles, which was used to stop the infantry.

Moshkovsky district

The buildings inside the prison were mainly for household purposes:

  • granaries;
  • house clerk.

Other buildings were few in number:

  • Necropolis, which appeared in the prison at the end of the XVIII century.
  • Church of the Three Saints. Unfortunately, it was not found, but in the annals was listed.
  • Posad - the territory outside the prison, to which urban buildings were attached in the future, and where handicraft settlements were initially located and tenders (trading places) were held.
  • Masonry artillery cores.

Ultimately, the construction of the prison is positiveaffected trade relations between the local population and Russian settlers. The raids came to naught, as the warlike tribes moderated their fervor.

The prison was gradually disappearing from the map of Siberia, buthis memory is still alive. Novosibirsk archeology, having carried out the excavations, found the remains of pillars from the cautious walls, ancient burial sites, as well as basement fragments of one of the buildings. On it and restored the two-story tower with loopholes. Looking into the future, we can assume that one day on the steep bank of the Ob River an old fort will revive.

fishing on umerovinsky prison

What else to see in Novosibirsk?

Other sights of the Novosibirsk region that are worth paying attention to:

  • Barsukovskaya cave - is the largest wintering place for bats. Some of their species are listed in the Red Book.
  • Belovsky waterfall is located on the plain, and its source is a deep groundwater lake, which was once a coal mine. Very beautiful place where many tourists come to rest.
  • Botanical Garden - for decades, collections of plants from all the environs of the Novosibirsk Region have been gathered there. There is a herbarium, the rarest seeds and more than 5 thousand representatives of the world of flora.
  • The Maternal Square is decorated with the sculpture “Mother and Child”, made of gray-pink granite stone. The park is dedicated to mothers who have lost their children in local wars.
  • The Museum of the Sun - located in Novosibirsk and includes about 2 thousand exhibits, suns.
  • The Museum of Happiness contains about 1000 exhibits that charge tourists with their positive energy.

And this is not all the attractions of the Novosibirsk region. It is better to visit them and see everything with your own eyes.


Fishing on Umrevinsky jail enjoysstable popularity. Here you can catch perch, carp, burbot, bream, pike, chebak, sorghum and bleak. Fishermen come here often with an overnight stay, and sometimes for a few hours to enjoy the process and admire the local places.