Dalian is a city in the northeastChina, there are many interesting places to visit. For example, Port Arthur is located 45 km from the city, along the way to it you can admire the scenery, view Dalian's sights, which are mostly devoted to the Russian-Japanese war. The cemetery and the memorial of the Russian military are the largest Asian burials of the Russians.

Club of sailors to the attention of visitors isseveral expensive restaurants, as well as banquet rooms, which are located on the 2nd floor. Arriving in Dalian, the sights of which attract thousands of tourists every year, you should see the Primorskaya road, the length of which is 30 km. She goes around the hills, curls in serpentine. The road united the Tigers Park with an interesting Starfish Park.

Район, расположенный на востоке ул.Binhaylu, nine kilometers from the heart of the city, has a stunning landscape. The area in the north covers the mountains, with an amazing view of the sea. Looking closely, you can see the island of Sanshan in the fog, resembling a more fantastic object.
The landscape area of Binju is fortykilometers north of Zhuanghe. From here you need to advance to the northeast of Dalian. Sights, reviews of which you can hear only the most admired, in this place are amazing - this area is called "Little Switzerland" - the boulders and the mountain landscape create an amazing and unique look.

In this place you can come to the publictransport, which is a direct flight from the Dalian station. In addition to studying the picturesque beautiful nature and sights of Dalian, you can also improve your health here. The city has a good Medical Center, where professionals have been successfully treating all sorts of diseases for several years now.
Также здесь есть улица Японская, где various architectural structures are concentrated, as well as trade enterprises characteristic for the country of the same name. This street was built in 2000 in memory of the presence of the Japanese in Dalian. Here you can buy various souvenirs, attend a tea ceremony and eat sushi. At 45 kilometers from Dalian is the famous Port Arthur, who played a big role in China’s relations with Russia and left its mark on military world history. The city has a monument to Soviet soldiers, a monument of friendship between the Russians and the Chinese, as well as memorials to all those who died during the Russian-Japanese war. In Port Arthur, at the Russian cemetery, warriors who fell here during the battles are buried.