/ / Minerals of the Novosibirsk Region: Description, List, Names and Deposit

Minerals of Novosibirsk region: description, list, names and deposit

Minerals of the Novosibirsk Regionquite numerous: throughout the territory, 83 deposits are exploited out of 523 already explored. Here there is coal - both coking and high-class anthracite, there are refractory clays. A lot of peat, but it is not yet mined. There are oil, gas, non-ferrous metals and gold.

minerals of the Novosibirsk region


Only in the Gorlovka basin exploredhigh-quality anthracite is almost a billion tons, and the forecasts are even more optimistic - 5.6 billion tons. Two more coal-bearing basins - Doroninsky and Zavyalovsky, where coal is also very much. Since 2007, Novosibirsk coal has been explored and developed under the licenses of Best LLC and Region-Oil OJSC. Minerals of the Novosibirsk Region are mostly mothballed and are waiting for the development of industry to begin mining.

Anthracite coal deposits in GorlovskyThe basin is the only source of raw materials for all the eastern regions of Russia, since this raw material is necessary for the electrode industry. The largest Russian plant - NovEZ (Novosibirsk Electrode Plant). Such coal for the company produces JSC "Siberian anthracite". The remaining mineral deposits in the Novosibirsk region, concerning coal, are not developed so widely.

what minerals are in the Novosibirsk region

Oil and natural gas

Seven oil fields open innorthwestern regions, but they are being decommissioned, despite the fact that mineral resources of the Novosibirsk region are abundant. List of deposits:

  • Verkh-Tarskoye;
  • East Tara;
  • Maloichsky;
  • Rakitinsky;
  • Tai Dassky;
  • East Mezhovskoe:
  • East.

One field - Veselovskoe -gas condensate. All oil explored in the region, high quality, close to the brand Brent. The occurrence of the most productive layers is on average two and a half thousand meters. The largest field is Verkh-Tarskoye, there are more than sixty percent of all the oil in the region. Only two are being exploited - Maloichskoye and Verkh-Tarskoye, where projected reserves are more than one hundred thirteen million tons.

minerals of the Novosibirsk region

Other minerals

Novosibirsk region was lucky with peat reserves -there are more than seven billion tons, but the costs of mining and processing are too high, so the peat deposits are almost not developed, most likely - so far.

Quite a large deposit of non-ferrous oremetals found in the Novosibirsk region, there are approximately 1.7 million tons of titanium dioxide and 7.2 million tons of zirconium dioxide. Exploration and development of the Filippovsky subsoil (Ordyn zircon-ilmenite placer) is underway.

minerals of the Novosibirsk region list


Золота в Новосибирской области по промышленным to the standards a little - one ore deposit and twenty four loose ones are estimated at only seventeen tons. Both types of deposits — alluvial placers and gold-bearing weathering crusts — are suitable for opencast mining. However, gold-bearing minerals of the Novosibirsk region are not exhausted by them: there is indigenous gold on the territory - gold-quartz, gold-rare-metal, gold-polymetallic, if we talk about ore-formation types.

Its explored about forty tons, according to forecasts fornorthwest of the Salair ridge (Egoryevsky gold-spreading region). An analysis of this resource base suggests that almost all the placers have been developed and developed, and in the further development of gold mining, the search and evaluation of new deposits is necessary, which probably exist. And, of course, you need to master the gold deposits of other industrial types. Moreover, the mining enterprises are provided with work only for the next few years, the future prospects for the resource base are very small.

mineral deposits in the Novosibirsk region

Marble, tin, aluminum

Highly decorative marble and other costlyThe facing stones of high demand in the amount of eight and a half million square meters contain minerals of the Novosibirsk region. Names of deposits:

  • Petenyovskoye (best field);
  • Shipunovskoe (marbled limestone);
  • Serebrennikovskoe (the same).

The deposits are developed by LLC "Marble".

It is difficult to list which mineralsThere is in the Novosibirsk region, since there are many of them, but not all of them will be developed. For example, two small-scale small tin deposits - Barlakskoe and Kolyvanskoe - about six hundred tons in total are clearly unprofitable: the average content in the cassette tin-bearing placers is about half a gram per cubic meter. Two bauxite deposits, Oktyabrskoye and Novogodnee, are on cadastral registration, with reserves of 2,068 thousand tons in balance. The reserves of aluminum in this ore are also small.

minerals of the Novosibirsk region

Cement, clay, glass

На Чернореченском месторождении в Искитимском There are reserves of cement raw materials in the area: in the North section - 88900 thousand tons of limestone, on the Shale area - 22083 thousand tons of clay shale, in the South section - 38163 thousand tons of first category limestone and 223776 thousand tons - second. This field is being developed by JSC "Chernorechensky pit".

Refractory and refractory clays are available onfour fields: Doroginsky, Evsinsky and Vassinsky - refractory, and on the Ob - refractory. Here works LLC "Universal" (Plant of ceramic products). Already taken into account are three small deposits of quartz sand, approximately 8150 thousand tons of the first category and 875 thousand tons - the second. The right to use these mineral resources is owned by Siberian Industrial Holding LLC, which transferred this right to its subsidiary Mineral Group LLC.

minerals of the Novosibirsk region

Building materials

Deposits of building materials are usually the mostcommon. In the Novosibirsk region, eighteen deposits of construction stone are taken into account, thirteen of them are exploited. Annual production is about two and a half million tons. These are diabases, porphyrites, granites, limestones and other rocks. Marble has already been mentioned above, as well as clay. In total, the total mineral resource base of general distribution here is more than sufficient for its own needs and for neighboring areas. New geological searches and exploration of new sites of this raw material are being organized. Only construction sands will not be developed, although deposits are rich. The reasons are environmental, since all deposits of building sand are in the valley and the riverbed of the Ob River.


Water resources are very large in the region:mineral, thermal and fresh waters are extracted from ten thousand wells in the amount of more than half a million cubic meters daily. The forest fund of the Novosibirsk Region totals 4,490,000 hectares, including conifers, which grow on an area of ​​977,300 hectares. The total reserve of wood of the main forest forming species can be proud of - it is estimated at 278,800,000 cubic meters.