/ / The capital of South Korea: come, you will not regret!

The capital of South Korea: come, you will not regret!

What is Seoul? What is the capital of South Korea? It is a riot of exotic paints, centuries-old history, bustling night life, growing with every second business.

the capital of South Korea
Seoul is a tradition and an exotica that has blended so closely that no one can understand that it has come to the city from ancient times, and that it was born very recently.

Tourists in Seoul have something to admire.The admirers of history who went to the country to appreciate the sights of South Korea, should begin a tour of the city with an insight into its historical center.

Here you can see the incredible beauty of the palaces andtemples built in the fifteenth century. Particularly striking are the luxury, brilliance and richness of Changgengun and Changdeokgung. The area around these buildings is a whole range of oriental parks with an abundance of exotic flowers, tropical greens.

Attractions of South Korea

The residence of the rulers is located nearbyGyeongbokgung, the remnants of the fortress wall that surrounded the city in time immemorial. It is decorated with mystical animals: if the wall did not let enemies into the city, then beasts and birds guarded it from evil forces.

After the historic center you can go sightseeing in Seoul, located in other areas.

In the center of the metropolis is Mount Nasman, where among the luxury parks are museums, cultural centers, shops and other places that are pleasant for tourists.

Seoul Attractions
And in the very center of the mountain, right under the open sky, an old village is sheltered. In this museum, the life of Koreans is recreated to the last detail.

The capital of South Korea can be proud of the not-hot (indifference from other tropical cities) climate. Therefore, on the mountain you can spend the whole day: besides the above, there is a huge aquarium, architectural fountains and a very rich botanical garden.

Want to see the local life, not embellishedfor tourists? The capital of South Korea invites you to visit the Kanbuk area. Here live the most ordinary people, but here is a very unusual market. It is on it that most goods are sold (from minor souvenirs to washing machines and other equipment), which then fall into Europe.

Устали? Проголодались?The capital of South Korea can feed tourists with national food, Japanese dishes, please European or American cuisine. To taste all this, you will have to move to the area of ​​Hondae. Here you can meet young people from all over the world. Hondae is a student area and very laid-back.

Вы не любите молодежного шума?The capital of South Korea will find entertainment for fashionable tourists. The most elite area of ​​Seoul Apbujonn amazes with an incredible number of boutiques, chic buildings, expensive restaurants.

the capital of South Korea

В селе есть район, где практически нет местных residents. This is Itaewon street. For centuries, soldiers have stayed on it. Traces of their presence are visible to this day: residents of the area are very similar to Europeans and Americans.

To at least fluently examine Seoul, it will take more than one day. So feel free to take a vacation and go to this friendly, friendly, exotic city.