/ / Salzburg: attractions in one day (photo)

Salzburg: attractions in one day (photo)

Salzburg - one of the most popular among touristscities of Austria, which is located just north of the Alps. Sometimes it is also called the "city of students" - here are three universities. Salzburg is famous for the fact that the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born here. The city is the historical center of Austria.

Salzburg attractions in one day

How to get to the city

Those who would like to seeThe sights of Salzburg in one day can get to the city either by public transport or by car. The city is located near the border with Germany. Since Austria is part of the European Union, this border is of a formal nature, and it can be crossed easily. Every hour buses from the largest cities of the country, as well as from neighboring countries come to the bus station of the city. Well developed and rail transport. You can quickly get to Vienna and other cities - Rome, Berlin, Prague by high-speed train. A 20-minute drive from the historic center is located Salzburg Airport, which is one of the largest in Austria.

Largest Salzburg ranks 4th amongall Austrian cities. However, every year the flow of visitors is becoming more and more. Walking through the streets of the city, you can see a large number of churches. Often in the guidebooks Salzburg is referred to as “German Rome”. In order to see all the best sights of Salzburg, tourists' reviews are not enough to read. You need to independently or with the help of a guide to make a route of places worth visiting. You also need to find a good hotel, where you can explore the main historical sites. If the purpose of the tourist is to visit architectural monuments, then you should look at the hotels in the city center.

Mozart Museum

Those who would like to visit as much as possibleSights of Salzburg in one day in the winter, it is better to focus your attention on the museums. For example, the famous Mozart Museum. It is located on the street Domgasse. In this house the great composer lived from 1784 to 1787. Mozart's residence can be called really luxurious - there are as many as four rooms, as well as two cabinets and a kitchen.

It is known that a great composer for lifehad a tendency to show luxury - buckled shoes were a real necessity. In the house where the museum is located, Mozart spent his happiest years. He was surrounded by friends, received many invitations to give concerts in the richest houses of the local nobility. Many great works were created in this house, for example, the famous opera Le Figaro.

Salzburg attractions photo and description

Mirabell Castle

To bring home decent photosSights of Salzburg, definitely worth a visit Mirabell Castle. It is located on the other side of the Salzach River, about 1 km north of the Hohensalzburg castle.

At first, it was the property of an unofficialArchbishop Salmey Alt's wife, who bore him 15 children. However, after a short time, Alt was deposed; Prince Zittikus, who took the mansion from the bishop, took his place. It was during the reign of Zittikus castle and got its name "Mirabel" ("beautiful").

Of particular interest in the decoration of the castle isis a marble staircase on which are figures of angels. Also worth a visit is the Marble Hall, where Mozart himself gave concerts. Now there are often concerts and wedding ceremonies. It is interesting that the marriage of Eva Braun, Hitler's common-law wife, took place in this hall in 1944.

Salzburg attractions reviews by tourists

Castle garden

Unable to visit all the sightsSalzburg in Austria in one day. For example, to bypass the territory of the Mirabel Palace, it will take at least about 2-3 hours. After all, it is surrounded by a lush garden, decorated with numerous sculptures of characters from ancient myths. A separate part is reserved for the “Garden of Dwarfs” - here you can see funny figures. The building of the conservatory now houses a baroque museum. Currently, these gardens are very popular among guests of Salzburg.

Franciscan Church

Difficult to inspect in one daysights of Salzburg. The route of the walk for those tourists who would like to see as many new places as possible should necessarily include churches. The oldest of these is the Franciscan Church - one of the oldest in the whole city. She has been at this place since the eighth century. Up until 1635, the building served as the parish church of the Virgin Mary. Then the temple was demolished, and in 1866 it was restored again. The church interior was redone in the baroque style in the 18th century. Now the Franciscan Church attracts tourists with its unique blend of several architectural styles. Inside the building you can still see the marble lion of the XII century.

Salzburg attractions in one day in winter


The magnificent church was built between 1694 and1707 years. From the very day of its foundation, the temple has become the benchmark of the Baroque architectural style. Four separate chapels were built for the University of Benedictine and symbolized four faculties. The interior of the church is painted in an abstract style, through which the internal space is visually increased. It is said that Mozart himself was amazed at the beauty of the Collegienkirche. The great musician was not stingy and specially wrote several works for the masses, up to our times taking place in the traditional Catholic rhythm.

Mount Kapuzinerberg

Located in the heart of Salzburg.It is a refined park. At the top of the mountain there is an observation deck, from where you can admire the landscapes of the city. Unfortunately, there are no escalators in the park. The rise can be difficult - the height is 700 m. However, ascending the steps, you can first see the bust of Mozart, and then biblical scenes from the life of Christ carved on the stone. Trampled paths will not get lost in the woods. About a dozen wild goats live here, but they do not catch the eye of people walking through the park.

Salzburg attractions in one day photo


Those who would like to visit the sightsSalzburg in one day, be sure to visit one of the most picturesque Austrian castles called Hohenverfen. It rises majestically above the Salzach River, in a place that used to be strategically important for the defense of the land. The castle was built in the XI century to protect the possessions of the Archbishop of Gerbahd of Salzburg.

The castle is located 40 km from the city.You can reach it in 20 minutes. For a long time, Hohenverfen served as a defensive structure, but during one of the uprisings was completely destroyed. Then the uprising was crushed. The same peasants who destroyed Hohenverfen, as punishment, had to restore it. At the beginning of the XVI century additional buildings were built - turrets, bastions, as well as external walls. Inside the castle is the chapel of St. Sigismund. It was reconstructed in the Gothic style. Hohenverfen was rebuilt several times after reconstruction, until he gained his modern look.

Castle today

When the Napoleonic wars began, the storySalzburg principality came to an end. At the beginning of the XIX century, Salzburg became part of Austria. Artillery guns, accumulated over a long time, were transferred to the possession of France. Hohenverfen himself wanted to destroy, but King Franz II ordered that he be saved. Currently the castle is open to the public. On its territory there are museums - local history, folklore, a museum of falconry. Those planning to visit the main sights of Salzburg in one day can use the funicular. So you can reach the castle faster and save power. But you can get to the top of the mountain on foot. The most convenient way to get to the castle is by S-Bahn.

salzburg austria attractions in one day


Tourists wanting to visit as much as possibleSights of Salzburg in one day, you should definitely visit the Hohensalzburg Fortress. It is located on the top of the mountain Mönchsberg. This is the largest fortification that has been preserved in Europe since the Middle Ages. The fortress is a symbol of Salzburg, and every year thousands of tourists come here. The modern look of the castle Hohensalzburg gave Archbishop L. von Koichach. First, the fortress was used as a defensive structure. Throughout its history, none of the attackers managed to subdue the structure.

Крепость открыта для посещения круглый год.Since 1982, one can climb here not only on foot, but also on comfortable cable cars that depart from Festungsgasse Street. Visitors should visit the Princely Chambers, the Castle Museum, the puppet museum. The fortress, whose history goes back over nine centuries, is also the venue for Salzburg concerts. On Sundays at 11:45 a solemn procession with playing musical instruments is arranged on its territory. The sound of fanfare is heard throughout the Old Town.

What else to see in the city

Для осмотра достопримечательностей Зальцбурга за One day the walk route can be approximately as follows: The old part of the city - Central Square - Mozart’s Birthplace - Hohensalzburg Fortress - Museum of Modern Art. Also, visitors can visit the Salzburg Zoo. It has created special zones for animals, where their habitat conditions are as close to natural as possible. For example, a special space has been made for rhinos and antelopes, which is called the African Savannah.

Sightseeing walksSalzburg in one day must also necessarily include a visit to the monument to Mozart. The attention of the guests of the city will certainly attract an unusual detail of the monument: instead of the usual pen in the hands of the composer is something like a pen or pencil. Not far from the monument to Mozart there is a coffee shop of the same name.

Salzburg attractions one day walk route

Places for different categories of tourists

You can also visit the House of Nature - one ofthe largest aquariums in all of Europe. In it you can admire the underwater world, for which more than 40 pools were built. Colorful reef fishes live separately from reef sharks. Photos and descriptions of the attractions of Salzburg can be found on the Internet, but each tourist is better to build an individual route and visit the most interesting places for themselves. Beer lovers will enjoy Stiegl - a private brewery. Here you can watch the creation of one of the most popular drinks in Austria, and then try the best sorts of freshly brewed beer. Little tourists usually do not like visiting museums, but they will definitely like the Toy House. In this museum you can not only hear the history of the most popular toys, but also play with new ones.

City atmosphere

Photos of the attractions of Salzburg will not be able toconvey the unique atmosphere that prevails in the city. Being on the central square of the city Residenzplatz, you can go back to the eighteenth century. The 35 bells of the Bishop's Residence give the square a special charm. Even if you try to explore the famous places in Salzburg in one day, the photos of the sights will leave the best memories of this journey. It is unlikely that there is such a lover of travel, who would not want to return here for a longer period. For many tourists, Austria has become one of the favorite places of cultural recreation.

If there is not enough time to explore all the sights of Salzburg in one day, you can rent a bike. In total, about three dozen cycling routes have been laid in the city.

Bicycle can be rented at 10 stations. Sometimes Salzburg is called the “bicycle” capital of Austria. The rental price per day is about 40 euros.