В последнее время, насытившись впечатлениями от palm trees and the all-inclusive food system, many travelers pay attention to the vastness of our vast country, where there is something to see. For example, in the Lipetsk region is the city of Yelets. Sights of this settlement begin with its history. In 2016, he will be 870 years old.
Of course, the buildings of the founding of Yelets are notpreserved. But so interesting and Russian towns that they care about what was built by the ancestors. Therefore, here you can look at the architecture of the eighteenth century. In particular, the “House of Governor” is located here, as well as residential buildings on Profsoyuznaya Street, in Detsky Lane, on Ostrovsky Street, which have been standing since the middle of the eighteenth century.
What else is interesting Elec?Its sights include the Znamensky Cathedral, famous not only for its sacred relics (the grave of St. Melania), but also for its remarkable collection of flowers grown in the summer, as well as peacocks contained in the near-hilly economy. Many visitors appreciated the magnificent view from the ancient walls, as well as the clean and very tasty water in the cathedral spring.

Elec, whose sights are enoughdiverse, boasts a prison museum, where you can get acquainted with the life of prisoners throughout the XIX-XX centuries. The object is located on the territory of the existing colony, and is allowed there only in agreement with the prison authorities. In addition, in the vicinity of the city there is a reserve “Galichya Gora”, in which fancy limestone objects are represented. Fans of outdoor activities can try to go to the ruins of an old mill of the XIX century, if they get permission from the owners of the private territory where it is located.
And without permission, but during opening hours you can visitBunin Museum on Gorky Street. Here you can discover the personal belongings of the writer collected by this institution around the world, look through the windows of a small cozy house, and perhaps understand what inspired the future Nobel Prize winner, whose hometown is Yelets. The sights of this region are certainly complemented by the luxurious southern Russian nature, which has given rise to many picturesque images from the prominent minds of Russia.

Interesting places in this region are not limitedonly the territory where the town of Yelets is located. The sights of the region are represented by the village of Lugovoy, where the founder of the shock movements, Stakhanov, was born. You can also wander through the ruins of the estate "Khrushchev-Levshino", where Mikhail Prishvin grew up. Here you can still find the famous oak of several meters in the girth, which was mentioned in the works of the writer.
Elec, attractions, photos andthe benevolence of the inhabitants of which rarely leave anyone indifferent is a city that is worth visiting especially the residents of large megalopolises, if only to feel the measured and slow pace of life, to look at ancient objects and appreciate the timeless beauty of nature.