Novorossiysk is a port. Although one of the main tasks in the development of this city is the improvement of various tourist areas.

The main sights of Novorossiysk are somehow connected with the wars, and there were a great many of them here. Although many tourist routes can be attributed to natural formations.
So, many sights speak about warNovorossiysk. "Sailor with a grenade" is located at the place where the defensive line was located. “Unconquered” is a tribute to those who were shot and tortured in 1943.
Above the highway near the “October” plant there is an impressive construction, which depicts 4 hands of warriors, tightly gripping automatic machines.
Looking further sightsNovorossiysk, we can distinguish the famous memorial complex called "Death Valley", on the territory of which there is a monument called "Explosion". This composition, which is composed of fragments of bombs, shells and mines.

Near the city there are several smallresort settlements. The Shirokaya Balka is very popular. In this place there is a developed modern infrastructure and residential complexes. Passing to the north, you can be in the South Ozereyka and see the following sights of Novorossiysk - dolmens, resembling a large tower.
Abrau-Durso takes many tourists every day. Their interest is primarily due to the fact that the birthplace of Russian champagne is located here.
Arriving in Novorossiysk, attractionswhich are not limited to monuments alone, it is worth visiting the largest freshwater lake of the region, which is located near the city. This lake Abrau is supported by underground sources. The water here is crystal clear, although you still shouldn't drink it.
At an altitude of about 1 kilometer there is a monument-calendar. Huge numbers (10 * 20 meters) indicate the liberation of Novorossiysk from the Nazis.
Out on the coast of the Sujuk Spit, you canlook at the Witch Mountain. Due to the warm mountain air and the sea wind, this place is home to those who love paragliding. From here you can get to Myskhako. In this place grow vineyards right on the shore.

Every year thousands of tourists come toNovorossiysk. Sights, photos of some of them can be seen above, include the winery "Myskhako", which every November holds a feast of young wine. A huge number of secluded places, arc-shaped beaches and the almost complete lack of infrastructure attracts lovers of secluded rest here. Myskhako is the most naturalistic place in the whole city.
Novorossiysk embankment deserves a separateattention. It is suitable for walking, almost everywhere you can go down to the sea and swim. Nearby is the Cape of Love and the water park - famous romantic corners.