/ / What to see in Suzdal for 1 day, for 2 days with children in winter? Suzdal, attractions: what to see?

What to see in Suzdal for 1 day, for 2 days with children in the winter? Suzdal, attractions: what to see?

This article will discuss one of the mostinteresting cities of the Golden Ring. Five monastic complexes, one Kremlin, about 200 architectural monuments - this is a list of what can be seen in Suzdal. And all these objects are compactly located on a tiny square of nine square kilometers. You can come here for a day or for the whole weekend, with or without children. Interesting in Suzdal will be all!

Suzdal - the largest tourist center of Russia

Thousands of tourists, not only Russian, but also withother states each year flock to this amazing little town. Suzdal is a real treasure trove of historical and architectural monuments, a venue for a dozen interesting festivals and events. Families with children from Moscow come here very often, because it is much better than once again to lead their offspring to McDonalds. Here you will be fed with traditional dishes of Russian cuisine, and they will also treat you to local mead. Yes, and the question "what to see in Suzdal with children," just will not arise. Sights in the city - more than enough!

A separate highlight of Suzdal is its nature.The surroundings of the village are unusually picturesque: green pastures and meadows, smoothly cut by the ribbon of the Kamenka River, stretched to the very horizon line. And over all this beauty for centuries dominated by silence, measured and calm.

what to see in Suzdal

No less beautiful is Suzdal in winter.What to see here at this time? The roofs of the old houses and the hills, swept up by the white snow, look even more colorful. In addition, in winter it is even more pleasant to warm up in one of the local restaurants after exploring the main sights of the town.

So, what to see in Suzdal tourist? This will be discussed further.

Suzdal - a city with a thousand-year history

For the first time this village is mentioned in 1024 infamous work of Nestor "The Tale of Bygone Years". The name most likely derives from the Old Slavic word "szdati", which means "to sculpt from clay."

The story of Suzdal is not easy and rich.The city was destroyed several times (the Volga Bulgars, Mongols, Tatars, Poles, Crimean Tatars), and in the middle of the XVII century half of its population mowed the plague. At the beginning of the 18th century, Suzdal was experiencing an economic upswing, but from the middle of the 19th it was gradually turning into a typical provincial town (due to the fact that the railroad had bypassed the settlement).

Soviet power first began to destroy the templesSuzdal (a total of 15 churches were destroyed), but then she realized herself. In the 60s a large museum and tourist complex was created here, work began on the restoration of architectural monuments. Today Suzdal is a city that lives exclusively due to tourism and tourist infrastructure.

Suzdal attractions what to see

What to see in Suzdal for 1 day?Of course, any local resident will tell you that one day is not enough for this. And this is true, even despite the fact that all the interesting objects here are compactly located. But in our article, we still try to answer this question and make a list of attractions that you need to visit in the first place.

How to get to Suzdal?

Unfortunately, the train to Suzdal is not accessible. With the rest of the "world" the city is connected only by bus.

The most economical way to get from the capital toSuzdal next. First you need to take the train at the Kursk station and get to Vladimir. There you should transfer to the bus, directly to Suzdal. From the railway station in Vladimir, such buses depart every 30-40 minutes. In another 45 minutes you will be in the old town of Opole.

There are also direct bus flights from Moscow to Suzdal (depart from Schelkovskogo bus station). However, their schedule should be specified at the box office.

Suzdal: attractions. What to see first?

One day for a full acquaintance with thiscity, of course, is not enough. But if you can not stay here for longer, then you should clearly limit the list of attractions that you need to see first.

what can be seen in Suzdal

So, what to see in Suzdal for 1 day? Here is a list of the most interesting sites and monuments:

  • Suzdal Kremlin.
  • Rizopolozhensky monastery (the oldest in Russia).
  • Monastery of Saint Euthymius.
  • Pokrovsky Monastery.
  • The architectural ensemble of the Trade Square (including the shopping arcade).
  • Museum of wooden architecture.
  • Stromynka street.

Another unique attraction of Suzdalrefers to objects of intangible heritage. It is impossible to examine or feel. It is about the famous Suzdal bell ringing. Want to listen? Go to the Savior Euthymius Monastery.

Sights of Suzdal. What to see secondarily?

If you come to the city for more than a day, thenAt your disposal will be the time that can be spent on the inspection is not so popular among tourists, but no less interesting sights. So, what to see in Suzdal for 2 days?

First of all, it is worth to get away from the crowds of visitors and visit the outskirts of the city. It is here that you can see unique churches with concave tents, which are no longer found anywhere in Russia.

Suzdal in winter what to see

An interesting and unforgettable walk onpicturesque banks of the river Kamenka. You can just walk through the streets of the city in search of artfully made carved facades of wooden huts. A visit to the Zarechny side, an area where 9 ancient temples dating from the 17th and 18th centuries are concentrated, will also be informative.

In the vicinity of Suzdal is interesting the village of Korovniki, as well as Kideksha with the preserved church still pre-Mongol times.

Suzdal Kremlin

What to see in Suzdal first thing? Of course, the local Kremlin!

Suzdal Kremlin is the number one objectfor almost all visiting tourists. It is surrounded on three sides by the river Kamenka, and on the fourth - by the earthen wall, which was poured in the 11th century. You can visit the complex on any day except Tuesday, from 10 to 18 hours.

The compositional center of the Kremlin isThe Nativity Cathedral is the oldest building in Suzdal (the year of construction is 1222). True, since that time he has gone through several capital reorganizations. Inside the cathedral, unique wall paintings are preserved, and in its necropolis remains the remains of representatives of the boyar and princely dynasties, starting from the XII century.

what to see in Suzdal with children

In addition to the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, the architectural complex of the Suzdal Kremlin includes a bell tower with chimes, the Bishops' Chambers and four churches of the XVII-XVIII centuries, one of which is wooden.

Lazarevskaya church

Что посмотреть в Суздале, кроме кремля?It is impossible to ignore the other temples of this historic city. At least three dozen churches have survived in Suzdal. And one of the most beautiful is the church of St. Lazarus, dated 1667 year. Perhaps, in terms of originality and pomp of the decor, she has no equal in all of Suzdal! And the bell tower of the Lazarevsky temple can be called the most recognizable in the whole district.

what to see in Suzdal in 1 day

A masterpiece of white-stone architecture has fivedomes, and the eaves of the church is decorated with a belt of tiles. By the way, this method of decorating Orthodox churches was first used here. On the east side, three low apses were attached to the church.

Shopping malls

What to see in Suzdal yet? Visiting the Kremlin and numerous temples of the city, you can go to inspect the civil monuments of architecture.

A unique building adorns the Commerce Square inSuzdale. These are the so-called Trading Rows - the first Empire-style building in the city. It was built at the beginning of the XIX century according to the project of the architect Alexey Vershinsky. In the center of the shopping arcades there are gated entrance gates, which are topped with a high gilded spire with a falcon figure at the top.

what to see in Suzdal in 2 days

В свое время здесь располагалось не менее сотни merchant shops, which later rebuilt in stores. Today, tourists love to stroll through the long arched galleries of this magnificent structure.

Stromynka street

An important monument of the history of Suzdal is Stromynka Street, or the Stromynskaya Road - the oldest route that in the times of Ancient Russia connected Moscow, Suzdal and Vladimir.

This road was laid about 1000 years ago,when Moscow did not even exist. On this road, Prince Vladimir Monomakh traveled from Kiev to Rostov (this fact is mentioned in the "Instructions" for 1017). The road received its name in the XIII century thanks to the village of Stromyn, through which it passed.

Свое важное значение дорога утратила после construction of the Vladimir way at the beginning of the XVI century. Stromynka street in Suzdal today repeats the direction of the ancient Stromynsk road. By the way, the street with the same name exists in the capital.

Museum of Wooden Architecture

The Museum of Wooden Architecture is another object worth visiting. This can be done from 9:00 to 16:30. The complex is closed on Tuesdays.

what to see in Suzdal in one day

Среди экспонатов музея под открытым небом - две wooden churches of the XVIII century, several old mansions, houses, wells, a bathhouse and a barn. Wooden tent mills (XVIII century), transported here from the village of Moshk, are a real decoration of the park.

Помимо этого, каждый год, в середине лета, на The Museum of Wooden Architecture hosts a fun and noisy festival - the Day of the Cucumber. The holiday is accompanied by mini-performances and performances, fairs and competitions, as well as tasting various cucumber dishes.

what to see in Suzdal with children


Here he is - handsome Suzdal.Sights (what to see in this city, we, albeit briefly, you were told) are worth it to visit one of the historical centers of the Russian land at least once in a lifetime. Where to go with the whole family? What to see in Suzdal with children? These questions certainly worry many travelers. Judging by the reviews of tourists who have visited here, the answers to them can be mass.

And all because Suzdal is a city in whichthe soul is resting! And this statement is more than fair. After all, there is everything that a tourist and traveler needs: rich history, numerous architectural monuments, temples, themed festivals, delicious food and various souvenirs.

what can be seen in Suzdal

What to see in Suzdal in one day?First of all, of course, the famous Suzdal Kremlin, numerous temples and monasteries, old wooden houses, a museum of wooden architecture, a complex of shopping malls. It is also worth a walk along the banks of the Kamenka River and picturesque surroundings.