/ / What to see in Paris: a selection of unusual attractions

What to see in Paris: a selection of unusual attractions

Even those who have already been to Paris, coming hereagain, are in a state of anticipation. Involuntarily there are questions: "How else will the capital of France surprise you?", "What can you see in Paris?". Many of the sights of this city have long been transformed into a place of "pilgrimage" of tourists. But in the French capital there are many interesting and unusual places, which will be discussed below.

What to see in Paris lovers of history?

Heavy historians should definitely visitthe Carnival Museum. There are many unique expositions that will not only help to expand knowledge in history, but also to understand what a real Paris is. What to see first? To begin with, you can get acquainted with the extensive collection of archaeological finds, as well as with the memorials of the French Revolution. No less interesting are the picturesque canvases of the 18th and 19th centuries, which tell of the artistic life of the French capital.

what to see in paris

But what to see in Paris for those who are interested inunusual places? The most mysterious landmark of the city being described are the Paris catacombs. They pass almost all the historical part of Paris. This place is often called the City of Darkness, and it is not surprising, because the bones of Parisians are lined with ceilings and walls of underground galleries. In fact, the Parisian catacombs are an underground cemetery. In this place are the remains of Robespierre, Danton, Marat, Charles Perrault, Blaise Pascal and Rabelais.

What to see in Paris for connoisseurs of fine arts?

what can you see in paris
In the capital of France operates a unique museumRodin, which houses more than 600 of his works. In particular, here is the world-famous sculpture "The Thinker". In addition, the museum exhibits the work of Camille Claudel, beloved Rodin. Also here you can see a collection of paintings that belonged to the great master, which includes the creations of many famous artists, including Van Gogh.

You can not ignore the Picasso Museum, wherepresents painting, sculpture, documents, drawings and personal belongings of the French genius. The famous Orsay Museum can also surprise. It became popular due to the rich collection of representatives of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. Visiting this museum, you will see the best paintings of Monet, Degas, Sisley, Pissarro, Renoir, as well as Cezanne, Sulfur, Van Gogh and Gauguin.

What to see in Paris for gourmets?

paris what to see
Gourmet French cuisine is represented inrestaurant "Le Meurice". Crystal chandeliers, antique mirrors and windows overlooking the garden of the Tuileries turn it into a veritable palace in Versailles. Exotic cuisine lovers should visit the famous restaurant LEscargot Montorguei. Here you can try grape snails - escargot. Such a delicacy will be offered only in France. The restaurant "Maceo" will please fans of vegetarianism, and "Yam" Tcha "will be appreciated by connoisseurs of Asian cuisine." The restaurant has a large selection of tea, which, as a rule, corresponds to a certain dish, you can try very unusual dishes, for example, escalopes under green garlic sauce and ice cream with marrakuya and avocado.