Sometimes women get into an embarrassing situation -soon there is sex, and she feels that she is not ready yet. How to excite yourself? There are several different ways. Choose the one that suits you.
How to excite yourself: ask for support from your loved one

It's not even necessary to talk about the reason. You can limit the request for specific actions. Say it playfully, so that he does not think that this is a reproach from your side.
How to excite yourself: we put thoughts in order
You can not always use the first option. Especially if the partner is new. In this case, you can take matters into your own hands.

It is known that excitement in many respects depends onour thoughts. Try to throw out of your head all unnecessary - forget about home troubles, problems at work, your own appearance, children, etc. Concentrate only on the upcoming intimacy.
In the colors, imagine how you would likeit was happening. You can think not only about what awaits you in the near future, but also to "browse" some of your fantasy. Say, sex in extreme conditions. Or you can remember some of your personal sexual adventures. Concentrate on this, and you will soon feel ready.
How to excite yourself?
The most simple and acceptable for many option - masturbation. Use your own hands, concentrating on some pleasant thoughts, and you will very soon be ready for sex.
If you have a trusting relationship with a partner,you can do it even in his presence. Do not doubt, this is a very exciting men. In addition, you will show him how you love to be caressed. And this is very valuable information for your partner.
How to excite yourself: we use auxiliary materials

Depending on this, gather somematerial. Say, save in the bookmarks addresses of sites with erotic stories, download a photo or video. Some have different games with elements of eroticism.
Thanks to modern technology, you canCreate your own erotic archive directly on your phone. And, if necessary, you can safely retire, say, to the toilet or to the bathroom, where alone you can indulge in self-excitation.
Another option of how to incite a partner andyourself - create your own family archive. There you can put photos and even videos. Viewing such files quickly excites both men and women. Try it, you obviously will not regret it.