We are all adults and we understand very well thatalmost any relationship between a man and a woman leads to sex, but not always representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are satisfied until the end.
Unfortunately, for physiological reasons, a womanit is much more difficult to achieve orgasm than a man. Sometimes the process from the moment of introduction of a member into the vagina before ejaculation reaches several minutes. A woman, to get an orgasm, takes a little longer.
Often, sex therapists come in pairs, whichthe main problem is sexual dissatisfaction. As a rule, it is women who complain that they do not keep up with their men. Well, there is a man's fault in this, because the duty of everyone is to give his partner maximum pleasure.
The duration of sexual intercourse may be small, however, before a man penetrates into the female womb, he must sufficiently excite his partner.
There is a huge variety ofaffection, including oral sex, which maximally prepare a woman for orgasm, and then even a few minutes of making love can lead to the long-awaited finale. The duration of sexual intercourse can be increased with the help of all sorts of tricks to which the man himself can resort.
First of all, this is a short pause duringhaving sex. When a man feels the approach of orgasm, it is enough for him to get out of the vagina and take a short pause, after a while the urge to ejaculate will disappear, you can continue to have sex again.
Another way that not only affects theduration of the hollow act, but it can bring much more satisfaction to both partners, it is considered a "tightening" of the very moment of ejaculation. To do this, it is necessary to penetrate the vagina and do not start frictions until the first wave of excitement passes (men need to understand what they are talking about). The length of the sexual intercourse will depend on how much the man will be able to catch the moment when it is worthwhile to stop again, while the member does not need to be removed from the vagina. When the final wave of excitement has already passed, you can continue to have sex, while you can expect that you get an orgasm with his girlfriend.
An excellent way that can affectthe duration of sexual intercourse, can be a combination of caresses. So, for example, you can have sex until the final wave of excitement approaches, then the penis must be removed and continue to stimulate the female clitoris with the tongue or hand. The advantage of this method is that the woman is always at the peak of excitement, and the man has time to cool down his "fervor" and may continue to have sex for a long time.
Duration of sex is also it is possible to control with the help of various herbs,which are brewed instead of tea and used by a man. These can be leaves of raspberry, decoction of the bark of oak. You can also lubricate the male member of the mint juice immediately before the sexual act. The fact is that in this plant there are soothing substances that will slightly dull the sensations and allow to prolong sexual intercourse.
In fact, the same man candifferent ways to have sex, everything depends on emotional and physical fatigue. A woman can help a man change the duration of sexual intercourse, pausing and switching to oral caresses on his part.
Studies were conducted in whichInterviewed couples who applied for a consultation with a sex therapist. So, by mathematical calculations it was found that the average duration of sexual intercourse is 10 minutes. This once again proves that long-term sex is not always a success. The main thing is to understand the partner and be able to excite him quite strongly, then even a quick sex with hi to the desired result.