How to fall in love with a boy who is veryDid you like it? At first glance, the question seems strange, because the creation of artificial attachment to man a priori wrong. All of us would like that love would be born by itself and later developed to a large and bright feeling. Quite often it happens that not those who really like are invited to visit and give their attention. Why not become a blacksmith of your happiness, not to achieve the feelings of someone who is needed and interesting?
How to fall in love with a boy. Tips and Secrets

How to fall in love with a boy, if you do not evenare familiar? Show initiative and start communication first. Smile more, be affable and cheerful in conversation. Behave confidently, but with restraint, show that you are interested in him. At the first meeting, do not try to show him all your dignity, do not act vulgar and extravagant. After a successful first conversation, do not relax, the process of conquest is just beginning. At your next meetings, both random and specially tuned, remain a mystery, play inaccessibility, keep intrigue and flirt. Do not talk much about yourself, it's better to ask about him, about his life. Men love to be listened to when they are interested in their lives and listen to their opinion. Before you start the process of seducing a young man, learn about his character, hobbies and habits. As a rule, men do not understand hints and views, so do not be afraid to be brave and tell him about your interest. Men at the first encounters with the girls pay attention to the appearance and only then disclose the person. If a guy does not like the way a representative of the opposite sex is dressed, does not attract attention to her figure and grooming, then it is unlikely to win it quickly. No man will fall in love with the "gray mouse" or "blue stocking", everyone needs a lady with a mystery and a twist, with her own style.

If your first meeting was successful, manwill not slow down from the second, but you do not hurry to seem accessible. Refer to study, employment, strict parents, but do not settle for a date right away. Now it's his turn to conquer you. How to fall in love with a boy? Show your inaccessibility. No man will like the easily accessible and ready for all young lady. Every time you communicate with a guy, be unpredictable and spontaneous. Today - bold and funny, tomorrow - vulnerable and tender, next time - strong and independent. Surprise him, interest him and do not let him go. If you act according to your feelings, yield to the command of the heart, then everything will necessarily happen, and the man will be yours.
If you are fond of astrology, then you know that toeach of the signs of the zodiac has its own approach. Recipe for how to fall in love with a guy-Libra, will differ from the instructions for the conquest of Aries. Fire signs are passionate and passionate, they need sex, they are attracted by the energy of a person. If you are interested in how to fall in love with a Scorpion boyfriend, you should rely on intuition and karmic communication.