Quite often, psychologists at their consultationsfor married couples are faced with a problem when a woman claims her claims to the behavior of the other half, complains of his infidelity, and does not know how best to proceed. But not all couples reach a psychologist, more often the situation boils down to the fact that girls are desperately looking for the answer to the question: how to fall in love with a womanizer?
Psychologists rightly remark:firstly, it's impossible to change a person, and secondly, to dream that it is you who will become the only one for which he will change is just like living your fantasies and believing in myths.
However, there are some effective ways how to fall in love with a womanizer.
Someone once said:"Women's women are not born, they become." This is really so, as a rule, there is a logical explanation to this, a reason that is not always visible, but it is clear to the man himself. Of course, he will not share it (sometimes hiding the cause even from himself). But from some phrases, collected together, it is possible to draw absolutely definite conclusion.
The task, therefore, is to obtain the necessary information. Of course, direct interrogation will not do anything.
Therefore, first you need to arrange for a man to be his friend. So, to make it clear that you are "your man" (even at the expense of spoiling your reputation).
The first
To understand how to fall in love with a womanizer, you shouldstart with friendship with him. Show that as a sexual object, he is completely uninteresting to you, but as a person - very much even! For obvious reasons: you should name its features that you like. And mention those that he is proud of, and even in an exaggerated form.
Act thinly, feeling the line, after which your behavior can alert him. Unobtrusively and allegedly spontaneously, accidentally.
At the same time, you should always leave an opportunity,to admit the probability of intimacy, to stir up a desire: "Now, if you were not so indiscriminate ..." Demonstrate your femininity, disobedience, uniqueness.
The second
A man-womanizer must see in you something that is notsees in others, something human, interesting, amazing - something that would have "hooked" him, which is close to him in his views on life, plans, aspirations. Or something in common between you.
To understand what it is, one should study it well, be interested in it, strive for communication, hiding behind an interest in it as a person.
On the way to understanding how to fall in love with yourselfa womanizer, psychology should become your guide to action. The bottom line is that every man, even if he does not take seriously to the opposite sex, formed his ideal companion of life. You need to get as close as possible to this ideal, most to believe that you are so, and convince him of this (gently, gently, as if between deeds).
Let's summarize
To fall in love with a womanizer, you need to act intwo directions. Reduce the impact on the man of the reason why he chose the path of a womanizer and become for him the only one he dreams about. Perhaps, when he sees you as a companion in life, the reason for his "adventures" will cease to be relevant, and he will decide to associate life with you. If not, he needs to help, to become his psychologist, to help understand what this behavior is fraught with. Show how great it would be if he met his mate and would be faithful to her. Specific images and examples will help him understand that the second way will bring more happiness. And only after that you can stop being just friends ...
The described strategy of behavior (how to fall in love with oneselfwomanizer), it may seem unfounded, unconvincing, unlikely, but it really works! If you find your soul mate and want to live together all your life, try to change your attitude, become a part of his life, look at the world with his eyes, and you will succeed. Act if you are 100% sure that it is worth it ...