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How to fall in love with a man

Few people know how to fall in love with a man in himself.Therefore, to put the heart on the line of fire, having met the next ideal candidate for the role of life partner, it is very scary. If you fell in love and seriously thought about how to fall in love with a man, science is on your side. It represents several reliable methods by which a new object of sighing will fall in love with you, at least as much as you do in it ...

How to fall in love with a man, dragging him into adventure

Adventure strengthens relationships.Nothing kills men's feelings faster than predictability. It can be manifested in repeating monotonous dinners, ordered by phone in a Chinese restaurant, or in a pile of rented DVD movies. Therefore, at times break the routine with something unexpected. For example, tighten a loved one under the shower when he is still in shorts. News and exciting experiences fuel love and cause excitement, because mentally increase the production of dopamine in the brain. To find out what your partner is an ideal adventure, you can play with him in 20 questions. Ask him to list a few things that he would gladly do. For example, he wants to learn surfing. Surprise him by planning a joint entry for courses. Thanks to this, the man will associate the game and the pleasure that she felt with you during it.

How to fall in love with a man, making him jealous

Jealousy fuels passion.Smile to a nice waiter or hug when meeting with an old friend, whom you have not seen for a long time. Such subtle gestures, exciting jealousy, will show the guy that you are popular. Only the realization that one of your fans could conquer you can increase the level of dopamine in your man. If, in addition, he sees that you are a success with other men, his passion will reach its climax. However, you should be careful, since this game can have the opposite effect. The key to success is so flashy a flirtation so that the guy will notice that you are the woman who causes the desire. But at the same time, flirting must be so innocent as not to hurt his feelings.

How to fall in love with a man, while retaining intrigue

Sentimental farewells weaken attraction.There is nothing so unattractive as a desperate "do not go away." If you say goodbye to him, behave as if nothing had happened. Leave him in a state of intriguing insecurity and dissatisfaction. As a result, his brain begins to produce dopamine, which will strengthen his desire to be with you again. So the next time you say goodbye, kiss it on the cheek and go in your direction. Also try the following tricks: first end the conversation on the phone, go early with a date or slip out of his apartment before he wakes up. Why does this work? Because men always want something that they can not so easily get.

The above-mentioned golden rules concerninghow to fall in love with a man, are based on an interesting discovery, namely, on the influence of the hormone dopamine. Actions that stimulate the release of dopamine by the brain can cause romantic feelings. In addition, any woman who wants to attract the attention of a man must watch his appearance and try to be attractive. You can also ask your friends and acquaintances what they would like to change in you. This will help you know your shortcomings and get rid of them. For example, stale smell from the mouth, bad manners, the smell of sweat, excessive addiction to gossip. Well, at last, develop the ability to speak and listen in order to communicate with you.