/ / Operational planning: goals and objectives

Operational planning: goals and objectives

Before you begin to implement something,need to make a plan. It allows you to assess the strength, calculate what and where needed and in what quantity. At the same time highlight strategic and operational planning. We will review the objectives and goals for the second one.

What is operational planning and how does it differ from strategic?

Studying something should begin with terminology.Operational planning is an activity that consists in calculating the situation and drawing up development models for not short periods of time. It presents the intended work in the most detailed form. Planning operational activities is the final stage of the overall process of calculating situations and developing development models. The key goal, which is pursued at the same time, is to organize a uniform production of products in predetermined volumes that meets the quality criteria. What is the difference between strategic and operational planning? Speaking about them, it is necessary to highlight a number of differences:

  1. Operational planning is handled by middle and lower level managers, while strategic is the prerogative of top managers.
  2. Operational decisions are routine and are taken daily. Strategic require more time to prepare.
  3. Operational planning does not provide for the development of an alternative option, whereas for strategic decisions their presence is mandatory.
  4. Operational considers only internal information sources, while the strategic interest is also external.

That is the difference between them, if we talkgeneralized. You can, of course, delve into the details and consider all this more closely, but this will already be a deviation from the topic. So let's move on to the next point.

Methods and objectives of operational planning

Tasks of operational planning

The basic goal to be solved is to organize the work of the enterprise’s employees in such a way that the production is efficient. In addition, there are still such tasks:

  1. Fulfillment of the requirements for quantitative and qualitative indicator of production.
  2. Efficient use of time.
  3. Creating continuous production.

To achieve and perform these tasks, a number of methods are used. There are four of them:

  1. Volumetric method of operational planning.Used to "break" the annual time period into less long-term components. As a result, plans for a month, week, day, and even an hour are highlighted. Its advantage is that the more detailed the planned volume of production, the easier it is to implement the function of monitoring performance. In this case, in addition to the calculations of what and when, the optimization of the processes in the enterprise is also carried out.
  2. Calendar method of operational planning.It consists in determining the specific start-up dates for the production of a certain product, as well as the end of its manufacture. Although it may be adjusted if the entry to the market is successful. The calendar method is used to calculate the duration of the production cycle. He, in turn, lies at the heart of the monthly workshop program.
  3. Mixed method of operational planning.Involves the union. In this case, both the duration of the production cycle and the volume of work performed over a certain period of time are planned. Used for combined activities.
  4. Dynamic method of operational planning.It is built on the consideration of a number of indicators, such as volumes, terms, production dynamics. It is believed that it allows him to fully and reliably take into account the real possibilities of the enterprise. This method has one useful special tool - a schedule for the implementation of consumer orders.


operational planning systems

Operational work planning is divided into two main types:

  1. In terms and content. In this case, distinguish current and operational scheduling.
  2. By scope. In this case, allocate inter-and intra shop planning.

The classification is different from the methods keep inmind so as not to be confused. So, in this case, scheduling is the distribution of annual plans between departments. In addition, this also includes bringing the required figures to the contractors. As a basis, data such as the delivery time of products and the complexity of work are used. Current planning implies the existence of operational control and regulation of the expenditure of materials for the release of goods. Now to another view. Interdepartmental planning provides for the regulation of work by all departments. That is, if the number 1 is not made from materials procurement, then the number 2 will not be able to produce products. In addition, there is coordination of support services. That is, if the warehouse is clogged, then it makes no sense to make something for sale.

As a basis, data such asconsolidated implementation plan and order book. Intra-shop planning is based on the scheduling of production sites and production lines. This allows you to specify and detail the production program. The objectives of operational planning pursued by this are to ensure uniform and uninterrupted production of products in certain quantities and for a set time period, while respecting the quality standards and the optimal use of available capacities. In addition, a coordinating function is performed, thanks to which the coordinated work of the company's departments is ensured.

About functions

Let's go over what operational planning in the enterprise allows us to do:

  1. Develop a calendar of planned production standards. These include the size of the reserves, the size of the parties, the duration of the production cycle and the like.
  2. Calculations of the volume of loading space and equipment.
  3. Preparation of operational programs for the main procurement and production workshops.
  4. Implementation of management accounting and control over the implementation of plans.
  5. Operational regulation of production processes, timely identification of existing deviations from the planned indicators, development and implementation of measures that will allow to eliminate them.

Давайте рассмотрим небольшой пример.The operational plan is drawn up for the day. Constantly. While accounting is late for the week. The manager needs to know whether it is possible to conclude a contract for the urgent production of the product, whether there is capacity for this. He takes advantage of management accounting, referring to the foreman, and then decides that an urgent order can be taken (or not). There are great opportunities. The main thing is to use them. Competent organization of operational planning allows you to create an extremely useful and flexible system that has great potential.

About the term and content

operational planning

Oh, how many points of view and approaches to solvingcertain tasks exist. If the content and terms of work play a role, then in this case there are two types of operational planning, the work with which is assigned to managers and specialists:

  1. Calendar.In this case, it implies the distribution of monthly planned tasks to production units, when special attention is paid to the implementation dates. The established indicators are communicated to the specific contractors. With its use, shift-daily tasks are developed, and the sequence of work carried out by individual employees is also coordinated. In this case, the annual production volumes, the labor intensity of the work carried out, the timing of deliveries to the markets and other indicators of the socio-economic plans of the enterprise are the basic data.
  2. Intersectional.Used to ensure the development, regulation and control over the implementation of the plans for the production and subsequent sale of products. Also important here is the coordination of the work of the main and auxiliary divisions, design and technological, economic planning and other services.

Here, in general, we have considered thatrepresents operational planning management. Consideration was conducted on individual points. But they act as part of a certain system, right? And what effect can be observed in this case? The answer to this question we are now and we will look for.

About systems in general

operational work planning

Различные элементы формируются в одну общность.If everything is built adequately, efficiently and effectively, then such operational planning systems show themselves very effectively, allowing you to successfully carry out activities. In the modern world, they are influenced by both internal factors of an enterprise and external market conditions. But let's formulate the very concept of a system for a given case. So called a certain set of different technologies and methods of planned work, which can be characterized by a certain degree of centralization, the order of movement and accounting products (materials, raw materials, blanks), the object of regulation, documentation, composition of calendar and planned indicators. All this is used to influence the process of creating and consuming goods and services. The pursued goal of the system is to achieve the planned market results by spending the minimum possible amount of economic resources and working time. How can it be characterized? To do this, you can select the main indicators of the system:

  1. The order of coordination, interaction and coordination of work of sites and shops.
  2. Used planning and accounting unit.
  3. Techniques and methods for calculating indicators.
  4. Duration of the planning period.
  5. The composition of the accompanying documentation.
  6. Methods of forming calendar tasks for departments of the enterprise.

Выбор определенной системы зависит от спроса на services and goods, expenses and results of planning, scale and type of production, organizational structure of the company and some other points. A simple description without considering the most popular options costs little.

Therefore, the most famous systems will be considered.operational planning. Those at the moment are exploded, set-by-item and custom. They are used both in small and medium-sized businesses, as well as in large companies.

Detail system

Operational planning of production of this typesuitable for a stable and highly organized commercial structure. This system is engaged in planning and regulating the progress of work, processes and technological operations for each part for a certain period, which can last an hour, a shift, a whole day, a week or even more. It is based on an accurate calculation of the rhythm and tact of the functioning of production sites and production lines. Also, this system is characterized by an adequate definition of technological, insurance, interoperational, transport and cyclic backlogs. They need to be constantly maintained in the production process at a calculated level. The use of the detailed system requires that high-quality calendar and operational plans be developed, where there will be indicators of the volume of output, as well as the route of movement, details of each item. Moreover, you must specify all production stages and technological processes. Such operational production planning is advisable to apply only in the presence of a sustainable and limited range of products created, that is, in mass and large-scale production.

Custom and complete system

operational production planning

Where and in what cases can they be applied?The custom system is used when a single or small-scale production is carried out, where there is a diverse range and a small amount of products or services rendered. In this case, the main order-accounting unit is a separate order, which includes several of the same type of work for a specific consumer. This system is based on the calculation of the advance standards and the duration of production cycles. Due to this, the deadlines are estimated for the requirements of the customer or the market.

Pokomplektnaya system is used, as a rule,in serial engineering production. Basic basic planning and accounting units use different parts that are included in a common set of products or an assembly. At the same time, they are grouped according to certain criteria. Calendar tasks for production departments are not created for individual parts, but by sets or groups. And so that they have enough for the site, the whole car, the entire order or the agreed amount of services and works. Such a system allows to reduce the laboriousness of the planning and settlement work and organizational and management activities of employees of functional and linear services of the enterprise.

The architecture of this system allows you to increaseflexibility of operational planning, regulatory mechanisms and current control. And this, it should be noted, in the conditions of market uncertainty is an important tool for enterprises, which allows to stabilize production.

Brief description of subsystems

Operational production planning isvery voluminous subject matter. Therefore, alas, to consider in detail all the moments will not work. After all, this will require a book. But to mention briefly - this business is quite possible. We have already reviewed the three most popular options for operational planning systems. But they are formed from certain subsystems, right? So they should be given at least a few words.

Operational Production Planningprovides for the availability of subsystems of the release, warehouse, on the lead and a number of other processes and working moments. We will not consider all of them, for this is a great variety of material. But one can be studied as an example.

Поговорим о складской подсистеме.So, we have a production, where they make the goods. For it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of wood. Suppliers work in a planned manner, supply new boards, logs, sawdust - all that is needed. A certain amount of stock is formed in stock. It is calculated how many cubic meters of boards, logs and sawdust are spent on manufacturing products, and if there are problems with suppliers, then the time for which the accumulated stocks will be enough. At the same time, in operational terms, it is necessary to provide suppliers to replenish the warehouse. Moreover, it is desirable to register the contacts already in the document itself, or simply to have an agreement. Operational production planning in the considered example will prevent the stopping of processes going on at the enterprise and avoid losses.

Deal with finances

operational planning organization

Special attention should get planning insphere of cash. Why? Yes, because without money, long-term activity is not possible. If they are not there, then pay suppliers for resources and materials, and workers for work will not work. And if at first you can still agree on a small delay, then later ... In general, the company will not continue its activities. Therefore, operational finance planning is important, because with it you can avoid more serious and unpleasant situations. For example, if a decade before the payment of wages it is clear that there is not enough money to pay for labor, then this means that you need not wait ten days, but do something. Concrete depends on the situation. If the strategy envisaged the creation of a reserve fund for this purpose, then operational financial planning may provide that a certain amount should be taken from it. Did not care about leadership like that? Well, then it is necessary to urgently look for who can realize the goods / services, and in such a way as to fit into the available ten days. After all, if there is a long delay, then the labor inspectorate can get involved, and there also the prosecutor's office. And their attention is better not to bother. Options to deal with finances - quite a lot. If you can not sell products and there is no reserve fund, you can always contact the specializing organizations. For example, in a banking institution. But in this case it is better to have ongoing negotiations or another source that will allow covering the payments. Otherwise, problems can only get worse.


operational action plan

So it was examined what constitutesoperational planning. Let's go through the main points again. The main task that needs to be solved is to organize the work of company employees so that production is efficient. To achieve it, you can use a number of methods and systems. Ideally, if you manage to reduce production defects, economically spend resources, optimally load production capacities, technological equipment and workers. It should be noted that planning as a management function is closely related to organization, motivation, coordination and control. Therefore, it is better to consider it in practice, not separately, but as a component of the whole complex. This point of view will allow to avoid various unforeseen and unpleasant moments. After all, if it is calculated how much resources are needed, but the situation regarding the coordination of workers is not outlined, it may turn out that the plan is not so good as originally thought.