/ / Goals and objectives of management

Goals and objectives of management

Management is a system of principles, methods, formsorganization management, which are designed to improve the efficiency of production and increase the profitability of the enterprise. Management is applicable to the management of economic activity of any enterprise or firm of the sphere of production of goods and services. Most often, management is studied as a discipline, which is designed to formulate the basic principles of management. But management is also a field of professional activity, and even a field of scientific research. In this regard, distinguish the goals and functions of management, its various types and specific tasks.

The goals and objectives of management are different.The goal is the result of the organization's activity, a given point that needs to be achieved. The goals set by management for the development of the organization are the main directions of the enterprise as a whole. The goal-setting is based on hypotheses and forecasts. On how exactly predictions will be made and hypotheses are grounded, a positive result will depend in the future. The more the temporal component of the forecast, the more difficult it is to make assumptions and put forward hypotheses, the more uncertain the future.

The tasks include a specific time intervalto fulfill or achieve certain goals. The task is a certain sequence of tasks, the fulfillment of which leads to the achievement of the goal. So, let's look at the goals and objectives of management in more detail.

The general objectives of management are forecasting,planning and achieving the planned results. The fundamental goal of the management of any organization is to ensure the profitability of this organization. They also set goals such as production management, disclosure of human resources and its use, raising the level of personnel qualifications and stimulating it. The goal of management is management, which focuses on the final positive result and the successful operation of the entire organization.

Naturally, for each organizationthe concept of success is associated with different goals and objectives. Therefore, the goals and objectives of management of different organizations can and should be different. A successful company is not necessarily a huge corporation. Perhaps the achievement of "large" dimensions is not in the priority tasks of the organization, but the fulfillment of the set goals is quite indicative of the success of even a small firm. There are even such organizations that after the completion of all tasks cease to exist. But more often, of course, for an organization it is important to stay on the market as long as possible.

The task of management is the development and testing of scientific approaches that are designed to ensure a stable and efficient operation of the organization, in practice. In addition, they distinguish such tasks as:

- the formation of production of goods and services, oriented to the demand of consumers.

- attracting highly qualified specialists to the work.

- Motivation of employees to perform their duties effectively by improving working conditions, increasing pay.

- definition of the enterprise development strategy;

- development of goals and plans for their achievement.

- Identification of required resources and methods for their provision.

- exercise of the control function.

It should be noted immediately that the goals and objectivesmanagement in general and the goals and objectives of strategic management have much in common, but at the same time there are significant differences. Strategic management consists in the following: creating a strategic vision for the further development of the organization, setting goals, developing a strategy, analyzing the results and adjusting goals and objectives, and strategic vision.