Ecological trails in kindergarten allowto form in preschoolers a culture of behavior, respect for nature. Teachers emphasize the importance of such activities in the framework of updating the content of pre-school education.
The knowledge that kids receive on the path allows them to deepen and expand the knowledge gained in theoretical studies.
Significance of creation
Preschoolers learn practical skills and abilities, comprehend the unity of man and the natural environment.
Environmental trails in kindergarten contribute to informing preschool children of knowledge about ethical and legal norms that are associated with environmental management.
This is where optimal conditions are created for combining actions, feelings, thoughts.
Such a synthesis is the most important condition for educating the worldview of the younger generation of Russians.
Ecological path at the site of the kindergartenallows the teacher to cultivate respect for work in children. Preschoolers do not just expand their scientific knowledge, but also learn to build relationships with nature in the course of work and leisure.
Together with the educator, they predict the consequences of negative human activity, trying to find ways to improve the state of the natural balance within the DOE.
The creation of an ecological path in kindergarten can be considered the highest manifestation of the connection between learning and real life, a variant of humanizing education.
Skills, skills, beliefs, feelings, formed in the framework of activities on the trail, are used to solve the main task - the formation of the ecological culture of the younger generation.
Ecological trail functions
There are several of its uses:
- wellness;
- introductory;
- developing;
- cognitive.
В рамках эколого-педагогической работы с детьми Preschool age in the garden, in addition to the development of the child’s sensory and emotional environment, there is also a formation of ideas and knowledge about the rules of communication with nature.
Ecological trails in kindergarten representis a promising educational theory, where the little ones act as toilers, propagandists, teachers, forming civic qualities, active life position.
For children, it is important that in addition to learning scientificinformation about the natural environment, they were personally involved in various practical matters aimed at improving and protecting nature, and promoting knowledge about its proper protection.
Ecological paths in kindergarten are the “youngest” type of pedagogically created route on the terrain, used for environmental advocacy and educational activities.
Purpose of the created objects
It differs significantly from the usual cognitive nature trails in terms of length, set of objects, methods of propaganda work.
The ecological path on the territory of the kindergarten involves several stages.
First, there is a serious preparatory work. The teacher prepares a small group of preschoolers who will be organizers and teachers.
They are assigned certain goals and objectives, and the place of each of them in the upcoming project is determined. The success of the planned business depends largely on the emotional state of the children.
Developed ecological trail on the sitekindergarten - an important event, which involves a large number of kids. Guys are divided into "brigades", they appoint one leader in each of them.
After identifying the list of objects thatit is necessary to create and install on the trail, the educator announces a competition of teams of parents and children for the best construction option. To assess the competition works, a competent jury is created, consisting of parents, educators, and representatives of the public.
Summing up is held in a festive atmosphere, the winners are encouraged with certificates and sweet prizes.
It is for such projects that an environmental trail is created in kindergarten. The older group is best suited for creative joint activities of children, parents, educators.
First carried out a detailed examinationterritories are revealed the brightest objects. Further the ecological path in kindergarten is thought out. Description, map with drawing pictures or circles - the next stage of work.
When compiling a map, preschoolers cantake the help of a caregiver, parents. Ready options should include minimal information on the legend, as well as arrows that indicate the route.
How to attract children
If an ecological trail is compiled in a groupkindergarten for kids, badges should be large, unusual. For example, in circles there is a tree, a butterfly, a flower, all of them are united by a line - a footpath.
Together with the children, the teacher will choose a fairy-tale hero who will be the “master of the path”, will invite friends to visit, give them interesting tasks.
If an ecological trail is being developed in the kindergarten building, different groups of pre-school educational institutions can be involved.
Object Passport
It involves the following actions:
- the creation of plates with bright pictures, signatures for the main stops envisaged on the route;
- development of recommendations on the use of trail objects for practical work with children.
Project opening
This stage is the most solemn andexciting, it is best to spend it in the spring, showing the parents the work that was done by the children during the school year. Representatives of environmental authorities are invited to the celebration, as well as moms and dads of kindergarten students, whose forces have created an ecological trail in kindergarten. Photos of "teachers" who became the hero of the occasion can be placed on a special stand.
Opportunities for work
After the path is officially opened, you can use it for the following actions:
- meetings with interesting people who are connected with nature conservation;
- to monitor certain objects;
- organize excursions, classes for preschoolers.
What the final project will look like"Ecological trail in kindergarten"? Second-generation GEF, designed for preschool institutions, implies a clear structure, as well as a passport indicating the location of the path. There should also be a detailed description of all objects on the route.
Important points
During the excursion with children, several types of ecological paths are allowed:
- on the territory of the kindergarten;
- in natural conditions.
When choosing the first option, you should rememberthat it is possible to use those objects in the route that already exist on the territory of the DOW, as well as plant shrubs, create an artificial reservoir to diversify the ecological path.
In this case, species points can be madeShrubs and trees of various species, shape, age. This will allow the teacher to create optimal conditions for conducting observations, familiarizing children with the peculiarities of wildlife.
If the area that is adjacent to the kindergarten has a significant area, it is possible to recreate on it fragments of various natural plant communities inherent in the region.
Educational effect
The diversity of the flora and fauna chosen for the ecological path depends on its educational and developmental possibilities.
When placed on the territory of a preschool educational institution of plants, open and shaded, dry and wet areas should be taken into account.
An excellent option would be accommodation on the trail.a small reservoir with animals and plants. It will increase the educational effect, besides, it will perform an aesthetic function. The presence on the route of small elevations allows you to create different types of observations. The stones available on the site will not only be a decoration of the path, but will also be a good refuge for various woodlice, snails and insects.
Environmental activities
In kindergartens, educators try to allocate small areas for the cultivation of medicinal herbs, as well as for planting those plants that are to be protected.
Also in the plant trail can be includeda bed of "continuous flowering". Of interest for observation is the point "anthill", as well as the original weather site, which is equipped with certain equipment: a thermometer, a barometer.
When organizing an ecological route in natural conditions, it is desirable to use on the trail points on low and elevated sites, small slopes, as well as natural water bodies.
Accounting for individual characteristics
In order for simple walks with children in the open air to become a fascinating acquaintance with the diversity of wildlife, the educator uses ecological paths.
When creating them, it is important to consider ageespecially preschoolers, their intellectual level. For the development of cognitive interest of children, the formation of research skills, it is recommended to visit the same object, located on the ecological trail, at different times of the year.
In the younger preschool classes canto carry out with the purpose of acquaintance of children with the outside world, the work of older children and adults in natural conditions. Among the forms of work suitable for this age, there are:
- excursions;
- observations;
- educational games;
- memorizing poems;
- reading books about nature.
In the course of such studies, children acquire skills in growing certain plants: beans, peas, nasturtiums, onions.
In the middle group, environmental educationacquires purposeful work. The teacher shows the pupils the connection of various natural phenomena, teaches them to assist animals and plants, to develop behavioral skills in the natural community.
Знания, полученные при передвижении по ecological trail, practiced and secured in the classroom in kindergarten. For example, kids come up with riddles about those plants, animals, natural phenomena, with which they managed to get acquainted on the route. Together with the educator, they search, memorize proverbs and sayings about plants, flowers, and also get acquainted with the purpose of medicinal herbs. In labor classes, older preschoolers create unique souvenirs from natural materials.
Environmental education of preschool children is an important part of the activity of teachers of preschool institutions within the framework of the requirements of the new federal educational standards.
Excursions on the ecological trail createdjoint efforts of children, teachers, parents, as children grow older, they become longer. They provide for the organization of labor, environmental, educational, artistic activities of preschoolers. Children from the middle and senior groups of pre-school may act as tour guides, the true owners of the ecological trail. This contributes not only to their environmental education, but also allows them to develop communication skills, improve speech, and develop skills for conducting scientific discussions.
It is environmental education in the present.time has become one of the factors shaping patriotism, citizenship, a sense of caring for their historical and cultural roots in the younger generation of Russians.
The development of theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom, is carried out on the ecological path, in the course of employment in certain areas of the developed route.