Employees of preschool institutions oftenit is necessary to notify parents about the expected events and events that will take place in the kindergarten in the near future, to inform them about the schedule of classes, holidays and birthdays, give some advice on the education of preschool children and the organization of proper nutrition for children.

The best information for this purpose is informationCorner for parents, in kindergarten, organized in each group. And they need to be located in a conspicuous place, where moms and dads can easily get acquainted with the information about the order of the children's institution and each individual group. From such a stand it will be of little use if he is in a distant place, his parents will not see, unless the controlling authorities will appreciate him in due measure.
Corners for parents in the kindergarten haveat the entrance to the room, so it was convenient to study the news of the preschool. The stand should not be very cumbersome, because of its heavy weight it will be difficult to fasten it to the wall. The best option is a few small stands, each of them must have different data and information.

When creating a stand, you should consider the appearancepremises and the general registration of a kindergarten. Parents' corner should be colorful, have a diverse color palette and aesthetic appeal. To achieve this, the background of the stand can be made bright. If the lighting in the room is not enough, the corner should be made in light colors.
Information added to the corners for parents in thekindergarten, should be easily accessible, easily readable. Each stand should have transparent pockets in which sheets with information will be put. They are made from plexiglass, acrylic or other unbreakable material. Secure the pockets firmly with a special glue.
It is worth paying special attention to the change of the obsoleteinformation on a new one. If data on the daily routine and activities, as well as gaming events change monthly, then material about upcoming events, holidays, quarantines, and education councils should be replaced more often.
All information must be written literatelanguage and contain reliable data. Corner for parents in the DOW will help moms and dads to get acquainted with the subtleties of the educational process, described by experienced educators, who have raised many children.