Modern teaching systems are based oncommunication, that is, they are communicative. The teacher has an important task - to teach children how to use their native language correctly, to impart the desire to regularly improve and enrich it, to competently and fully express their thoughts, to prepare for effective speech communication and information exchange. For these purposes the speech warm-up works best, which helps to develop skills of pronunciation, expressive reading, and also prepares for creative activity. Such classes received a lot of positive feedback, both among professional teachers and among parents of schoolchildren.
Goals and objectives
Speech warm-up (speech charging) representsa set of short dynamic exercises. This is an important aspect of the education of preschoolers and children of primary school age who have not yet reached a high level of oral communication and quick reading skills. Also, a speech warm-up for children is conducted at the beginning of the reading lesson to improve the articulation of sounds and the training of clear speech. Regular exercise of such exercises contributes to the rapid elimination of defects in pronunciation of sounds that cause difficulties for children, which is confirmed by the opinions of speech therapists. The concept of a speech warm-up can vary depending on what purpose the teacher is guided in performing a particular set of exercises. It is advisable to differentiate speech workouts for the development of articulation skills, as well as to improve communication skills.
When preparing the warm-up, the following recommendations should be adhered to:
- It is necessary to carefully select the material for the classes, based on the assessment of the psychological and pedagogical situation in the classroom.
- Exercises should promote the development of the horizons of children and replenish their active vocabulary.
- You should perform the exercises regularly, for several minutes at the beginning of the session.
- Gradually move from simple to complex.
- To give children the opportunity to express themselves creatively, to show curiosity.
Speech Breathing
An important preparatory stage for implementationSpeech warm-up is the development of the skill to properly inhale and exhale, hold your breath. A well-known pedagogue, a methodologist in the Russian language, MR Lvov, put breathing techniques at the forefront. Technique for performing breathing exercises:
- breathe in the nose;
- do not lift your shoulders;
- inhale briefly, exhale smoothly;
- do not cheat your cheeks;
- Do breaks between exercises to avoid dizziness.
Дыхательные упражнения выполняются без голоса или with a voice. Exercises without a voice can be performed in a game form using improvised materials. For example, in the exercise "Football" students should blow out a ball of paper into the gate, in the exercise "Butterfly" - to make a paper butterfly suspended on a string flutter. Sometimes it will be enough to simply connect the imagination - gently blow on an imaginary dandelion or blow out the candles on an invisible birthday cake without blowing your cheeks.
Speech warm-up for developing articulation skills
Warm up speech of this type is traditionally held in several stages:
- Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus or articulatory gymnastics. They are aimed at training the articulatory apparatus (tongue, lips, soft palate).
- Exercises to practice diction allow students to learn the pronunciation skills of words, learn the accuracy in the construction of statements and self-control.
- Exercises for intonation allow students to acquire the skill of expressing thoughts with different emotional colors, as well as recognizing the emotions of other people by voice.
A sample of the workout for developing articulation skills
Articulatory exercises - exercises"Frog", "Elephant", "The Clock". During these exercises, children in the form of a game train their lips and tongue. Warm-up speech for articulation is performed to account, the rhythm can also set a simple thematic rhyme.
Exercises for practicing diction. Students clearly pronounce a number of vowel letters (uh-uh-oh-ooo), and then syllables (ar-op-ur-yr, ri-ro-re-ryra). Chistogovorki. Also quite common and effective speech warm-up. Reading clean mantles is aimed at repeating a sentence consisting of words with complex articulation (Four turtles have four tortoises).
Exercises on intonation. « In the cold winter everyone is young ". It is necessary to read the proverb with different intonation - first with a feeling of joy, then sadness and surprise.
Speech warm-up for the development of communication skills
Question answer.It makes you think widely, show curiosity, gives you a tool to find the right information. Elementary school pupils experience difficulties when they have to take the initiative in the conversation and ask various questions. Therefore, at the initial stages it is recommended to give not too generalized, specific tasks.
Dialogue-game. Helps students to find themselves in a new communicative situation, makes imagination and wit work, contributes to their emotional disclosure.
Description of the situation.Teaches you how to build a monologue properly, talk for a relatively long time and coherently about something. For the development of the horizon can be performed using reproductions of famous works of Russian artists.
A sample of the speech warm-up for the development of the imagination
The answer is a question.This is a kind of question-answer speech warm-up, only it is carried out on the contrary. You can come up with a funny name, which will grow fond of children, for example, the game "Inside Out" or "Screw-Turning." At the beginning of the exercise, the teacher reads a short story or shows a picture of how the children themselves make up history. Then each student receives a card with an answer ("Four", "In the Forest"), questions to which he must come up on his own. ("How many paws does a fox have?", "Where does she live?").
Dialogue-game. After the children are trained to ask questions, they can start asking them to each other. One student ("a guest") receives the card on which it is writtenrole, but does not show others. The task of the rest is to guess who is in front of them by asking various questions. Topics may vary: professions, magical creatures, fruits and vegetables.
Useful exercises in learning a foreign language
Speech Warm Upwarming-up) is especially important in the classroom in a foreign language. Speech warm-up in English lessons allows the teacher to make the beginning of the lesson bright and attract the attention of students, helps children tune in to the lesson and switch from their native language to a foreign one. On the one hand, such exercises in English can be directed to the repetition and consolidation of the material that was studied in the previous lesson. On the other hand, speech warm-up can serve as an introductory part for a new topic. There are several types of such exercises:
- Phonetic warm-up speech.English is difficult for students when it comes to pronouncing interdental sounds “c” and “h”, which are absent in their native language. The phonetic warm-up helps to prepare the speech apparatus for the pronunciation of complex sounds. This type includes tongue twisters, rhymes, phonetic "ladders" (ve-win-wind-winter-window).
- Lexical.As a lexical speech warm-up, you can use the game "snowball", when each student adds one word to the original sentence. The teacher offers a model sentence and shows an example: «A lady went then the market and bought...a pumpkin". Pupils continue to add one word toproposal, while repeating all previous options. The task promotes repeated repetition. Memorizing the word order in a sentence, the past irregular verb form (went, bought), practiced vocabulary on a particular topic.
- Grammar.Helps to pinpoint a specific grammatical topic. Work can be built in question-answer form. For example, students stand in a circle, throw a ball to each other and alternately ask the question “Have you ever ...?”;
- Interactive speech warm-up in Englishhelps to develop the skill of forming different types of questions, as well as a short and concise answer. The teacher offers students cards with a description of the situation and the distribution of roles. For example, acquaintance, dialogue in the library, dialogue in the clinic, etc.
During the life of a manimproved and enriched. The most important period in its formation and development is childhood. At this time, there is an active development of language means, vocabulary is replenished and activated, reading and writing skills are born. Speech Workouts in Elementary School help children move to a new level of speech activity, improve pronunciation, learn to communicate, and also overcome the emotional barrier and believe in their abilities.