Sometimes it seems that our world is simple and clear.In fact, this is the great mystery of the Universe that created such a perfect planet. Or maybe it was created by someone who probably knows what he is doing? The greatest minds of the present work on this question.
Every time they come to the conclusion that it is impossiblecreate all that we have, without a Higher mind. What an extraordinary, complex and at the same time simple and immediate our planet Earth! The world around is amazing for its rules, forms, colors.
Nature laws
Первое, на что можно обратить внимание на нашей a huge and amazing planet is axial symmetry. It is found in all forms of the surrounding world, and is also the basic principle of beauty, ideality and proportionality. It is nothing like math in nature.
The concept of "symmetry" means harmony,right. This is a property of the surrounding reality, which systematizes the fragments and turns them into a single whole. In ancient Greece, for the first time, they began to notice signs of this law. For example, Plato believed that beauty appears solely due to symmetry and proportionality. In fact, if we look at objects that are proportional, correct, and complete, then our inner state will be beautiful.
The laws of mathematics in animate and inanimate nature
Let's take a look at any creature, for examplethe most perfect is man. We will see the structure of the body, which looks the same on both sides. You can also list a variety of samples, such as insects, animals, marine life, birds. Each species has its own color.
If there is any pattern or pattern,it is known to be mirrored relative to the center line. All organisms are created thanks to the rules of the universe. Such mathematical patterns can also be traced in inanimate nature.
If you pay attention to all phenomena, such astornado, rainbow, plants, snowflakes, then you can find in them a lot in common. Regarding the axis of symmetry, the leaf of the tree is divided in half, and each part will be a reflection of the previous one.
Even if we take as an example the tornado, whichrises vertically and looks like a funnel, it can also be divided into two absolutely identical halves. You can find the phenomenon of symmetry in the change of day and night, the seasons. The laws of the world around us are mathematics in nature, which has its perfect system. The whole concept of creation of the Universe rests on it.
We rarely think about the phenomena of nature.It snowed or rained, the sun peeped out, or thunder broke out - the usual state of changing weather. Consider a colorful arc, which can usually be found after precipitation. A rainbow in the sky is an amazing phenomenon of nature, accompanied by a spectrum of all colors visible only to the human eye. This happens due to the passage of the rays of the sun through the passing cloud. Each raindrop serves as a prism that has optical properties. It can be said that every drop is a small rainbow.
Passing through a water barrier, the rays change theiroriginal color. Every stream of light has a certain length and shade. Therefore, our eye perceives a rainbow just so colorful. Note the interesting fact that this phenomenon can only be seen by humans. Because it is just an illusion.
Types of rainbow
- Rainbow formed from the sun, occursmost often. It is the brightest of all varieties. Consists of seven primary colors: red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet. But if to make out in details, shades are much more than our eye can see.
- The rainbow created by the moon is found in the darkTimes of Day. It is believed that it can always be seen. But, as practice shows, basically this phenomenon is observed only in rainy areas or near large waterfalls. The colors of the lunar rainbow are very dull. They are destined to be considered only with the help of special equipment. But even with it, our eye is able to disassemble only a strip of white.
- The rainbow due to fog is likewide radiant light arch. Sometimes this type is confused with the previous one. From above, the color can be orange, from the bottom - to have a shade of purple. The sun's rays, passing through the fog, form a beautiful phenomenon of nature.
- A fiery rainbow in the sky is extremely rare.It is not similar to the previous species in its horizontal shape. You can see this phenomenon only above the cirrus clouds. They, as a rule, extend at a height of 8-10 kilometers. The angle at which the rainbow will show itself in all its glory, should be more than 58 degrees. The colors usually remain the same as in a solar rainbow.
Golden Proportion (1.618)
Идеальную соразмерность чаще всего можно Meet the animals in the world. They are rewarded with a proportion that is equal to the root of the corresponding PHI number to unity. This ratio is a connecting fact of all animals on the planet. The great minds of antiquity called this number a divine proportion. It can still be called the golden section.
This rule is fully consistent with the harmony of human structure. For example, if you determine the distance between the eyes and eyebrows, then it will be equal to the divine constant.
The golden ratio is an example of how importantmathematics in nature, the law of which designers, artists, architects, creators of beautiful and perfect things began to follow. With the help of the divine constant, they create their creations that are balanced, harmonious and pleasant to look at. Our mind is able to consider beautiful those things, objects, phenomena, where there is an unequal ratio of parts. Our brain calls the golden ratio in proportion.
DNA helix
As the German scientist Hugo rightly pointed outWeil, the roots of symmetry came through mathematics. Many noted the perfection of geometric shapes and paid attention to them. For example, a honeycomb is nothing more than a hexagon created by nature itself. You can also pay attention to the cones of spruce, which have a cylindrical shape. Also in the outside world is often found a spiral: the horns of cattle and small livestock, the shells of mollusks, the DNA molecule.
DNA helix is made according to the principle of goldsection. It is the link between the scheme of the material body and its real way. And if you look at the brain, it is nothing more than a conductor between the body and the mind. Intellect connects life and the form of its manifestation and allows life, concluded in the form, to know itself. With this, it is possible for humanity to understand the surrounding planet, to look for patterns in it that can then be applied to the study of the inner world.
Division in nature
Cell mitosis consists of four phases:
- Prophase. It increases the core.Chromosomes manifest themselves, which begin to twist into a spiral and turn into their ordinary appearance. Formed a place for cell division. At the end of the phase, the nucleus and its membrane dissolve, and chromosomes flow out into the cytoplasm. This is the longest stage of division.
- Metaphase. Spiraling ends here.chromosomes, they form a metaphase plate. Chromatids are located opposite to each other, preparing for division. Between them there is a place for disconnection - the spindle. At this second stage ends.
- Anaphase. Chromatids diverge in opposite directions. Now the cell has two sets of chromosomes due to their division. This stage is very short.
- Telophase. In each half of the cell, a nucleus is formed, within which the nucleolus is formed. Cytoplasm is actively disconnected. The spindle gradually disappears.
Value mitosis
Due to the unique method of division, eachthe cell following reproduction has the same gene composition as its maternal one. The composition of the chromosomes both cells get the same. It could not have done without such a science as geometry. Progression in mitosis is important, since all cells multiply according to this principle.
Where mutations come from
This process is a guarantee of constant recruitment.chromosomes and genetic materials in each cell. Due to mitosis, the organism develops, reproduces and regenerates. In case of violation of cell division due to the action of some poisons, the chromosomes can not disperse in their halves, or they may be observed violations in the structure. This will be a clear indicator of the beginning mutations.
Summing up
Что общего в математике и природе?On this question you will find the answer in our article. And if you dig deeper, you need to say that by studying the world around you, a person knows himself. Without the Higher Reason, which gave birth to all life, there could be nothing. Nature is exclusively in harmony, in a strict sequence of its laws. Is all this possible without a mind?
Приведём высказывание учёного, философа, Mathematics and Physics Henri Poincare, who, like no other, can answer the question of whether mathematics in nature is fundamental. Some materialists may not like such reasoning, but they are unlikely to be able to refute them. Poincaré says that the harmony that the human mind wants to open in nature cannot exist outside of it. Objective reality, which is present in the minds of at least a few individuals, may be available to all mankind. Communication, which brings together mental activity, and is called the harmony of the world. Recently, there have been tremendous advances on the path to such a process, but they are very small. These links connecting the Universe and the individual should be valuable to any human mind that is sensitive to these processes.