Like what could be easier than finding the answerto the question, where is the heart of a person? But as it turned out during sociological surveys, most people do not know not only where a person’s heart is located, but are lost when they are asked about the position of other internal organs.
On the one hand, what's the difference?Especially if nothing inside hurts. But on the other hand: what if there is a need for first aid to a drowned man, or just a person who suddenly suddenly became ill in a car?
Unfortunately, misfortune is alwaystraps us unexpectedly. For example, in nature, suddenly one of the picnic participants suddenly grab the area under the breast and will often breathe. What should be done? Call a doctor - it will be too long, a person can not stand.
Не знающий, где находится сердце у человека, may suggest that this is the usual stomach cramps. Meanwhile, often such pains occur during a heart attack or simply with heart failure. After all, the heart, contrary to popular belief, is not at all on the left side of the chest, but just in the middle, but asymmetrically: its third is on the right, and the remaining two thirds are on the left. Thus, pain in an area commonly considered as a stomach may well be heart pain.
This patient is best to lie on your back,release the upper part of the body from the strings and buttons, increase the access of fresh air. If possible, you can turn on the fan, or fan the patient's head with a newspaper, fan, towel.
You also need to give him a drink of sweet water, you can put validol under the tongue. Of course, it is contraindicated for him to move in this state and any physical activity, even the smallest at first glance.
Ignorance of where a person’s heart can play andanother evil joke, the opposite direction. Especially with people who are fond of self-medication and neglecting qualified medical examinations. For example, there are patients who for many years believe that they have a bad heart. Therefore, they are trying hard to cure this ailment. When the patience of self-maiming is not enough, and they still decide to go to the hospital, suddenly the last advanced stage of a stomach ulcer or a serious pancreatic disease is determined.
It's funny, but too many don't know wherea person's heart is located, even despite the fact that anatomy lessons with a special “heart” theme are obligatory for everyone in school. Although nature sometimes throws out a “knee”, there are people with a mirror-like arrangement of internal organs.
Это никаким образом не является уродством, Absolutely no effect on human health. Just such a physiological feature, that's all. Although the individual needs to know about it in order to warn the attending physicians. There were such cases when a person who was shot at point blank remained alive only thanks to such a feature of his structure.
А вот наличие двух сердец вовсе не считается для possessor of a good fact. On the contrary, they are at greater risk and often do not live up to middle age. As they say, everything should be in moderation. Even the number of hearts.
So, we found out where the heart ishuman: the back of it lies on the diaphragm, surrounded on all sides by the lungs, with the exception of only the part of the front surface, which is adjacent to the front wall of the chest. Most of it is on the left, and the smaller one is on the right, up, back, and right, its base is facing, and the top, respectively, goes down, forward and to the left.
Знание того, где находится сердце у человека, it makes it possible to correctly direct it with a sudden stop, to give first aid to the deceased, while also doing a massage alternating with artificial respiration, and in some other cases.