/ / Matter is an objective or subjective reality?

Matter is an objective or subjective reality?

It is known that matter is a category of philosophy,which serves to describe the objective reality, displayed by the human senses, but not dependent on them existing. Matter is concentrated in a huge array of objects, systems and forms, and since it is in constant motion, it is inherent in self-development, which eventually leads to the emergence of life and able to think of beings. Matter itself is inexhaustible and has an orderly organization, while it is inseparable from the forms of motion.

If we consider the basic forms of existence of matter, it should be noted that F. Engels singled out five of them:

1. Physical - electromagnetic, wave and gravitational fields, space systems, etc.

2. The chemical form - atoms, molecules, macromolecular complexes.

2. Biological - the entire biosphere, including man.

3. The social form of existence of matter is society and man.

4. Mechanical - movement, that is, a change in the position space.

Однако материя - это субстанция, которая не is reduced only to these forms of existence, because in the world there are other types of objective reality that are of a different quality. This includes time and space. Time expresses the sequence of the course of physical processes, their duration and the order of their succession. Space expresses the joint existence of things or their distance from each other, as well as the order of their location relative to each other.

Thus, having considered what forms this substance can take, we can distinguish the following unique properties of matter:

1. Neutrality in time and unlimited in space, since matter has neither beginning nor end.

2. Constant development, as well as the transition from one state to another, which speaks of its ability to arise in another form in the event of the disappearance of a certain species of it.

3. The presence of causality, that is, the dependence of the appearance of objects and phenomena on external factors.

4. Reflection, which is present in all ongoing processes and does not depend on external influences. The highest form of reflection is considered to be abstract thinking.

On the basis of these properties, many laws have been singled out, which are used in philosophy, dialectics, physics and other sciences.

Thus, matter is a substance characterized by contradictoriness, relativity and absoluteness.

В любом философском учении есть своя трактовка the concept of "matter", is explained by the search for an answer to the question of what appeared before: it or consciousness. Idealistic teachings deny its objective existence, others defend the view that matter, generated by the spirit, develops and creates a material world. However, philosophy identifies matter, not only as a material reality, but as a whole nature, which acts as an objective reality and has a sign of universality.

Thus, there are three stages of evolutionthe concept of "matter", for which its following interpretations are typical: a thing, a property and an attitude. The first stage is connected with the search for a specific object, which constitutes the fundamental principle of everything that exists on the Earth. This basis should serve as a substrate, for example, water or air. In the future, the nature of things is reduced not so much to the presence of a substrate, as to the presence of certain properties, for example, mass, the carrier of which is a certain structure of the primordial state (atoms, elements, etc.). Over time, the concept of this concept changes. Further, matter is a substance that, acting on the senses, is capable of causing certain sensations. Therefore, this philosophical category refers only to the fact that it is an objective reality that exists independently of the human consciousness, but it is displayed.