Когда-то Марина Терентьева сказала:“A man who has thrown off the chains and wings becomes a beggar. Or free? Let everyone decide for himself. ” And in some ways she is right, each person has the right to choose, and only depends on him which path to take. That's just what is the freedom of choice?
What is freedom and choice?
It is difficult to answer the question: “What is freedom of choice expressed in?” - without first understanding such concepts as “freedom” and “choice”.
Freedom as a whole can be viewed from two perspectives. Despite the diversity of theories and concepts, freedom is two variables:
- Permissiveness. A person acts in his own interests, as he sees fit. He justifies his every action and does not limit his actions in any way.
- Self-restraint. That is, a person can be considered as free as he can afford it.
The choice can be interpreted as the need for a person to perform a certain action in order to achieve the desired result.

What influences the choice?
What is the freedom of choice? Most likely, the ability to make a decision that brings the least discomfort. But even the choice is affected by many factors:
- External regulators of freedom. The external limitations of the arbitrariness of man are the law, customs and traditions.
- Internal regulators of freedom. This installation of a particular person: moral standards, religion, understanding of morality.
These aspects guide each personmaking your choice. Paradoxically, only by implementing one or another model of behavior, which corresponds to the moral principles of a person, he feels free.
What is the freedom of choice?

Freedom of choice should be considered in twoaspects: subjective and objective. Based on the subjective, freedom of choice consists in following one of several alternative behaviors that will most closely correspond to the morality of a person.
In objective consensus, freedom of choiceexpressed in a legal setting on the model of human behavior in a given situation. In legislation, you can often find alliances "or" and "or". There are laws where it is expressly stated that in a certain situation a person can act at his own discretion. There are also legislation that lists all possible lines of conduct in a particular situation.
That is, the right gives a person the opportunity to choose in what way he will fulfill this or that duty to society.
If we take into account all of the above,answering the question: “What is the freedom of choice?” - we can say the following: it consists in the ability of a person to defend his interests and act for his own purposes, without questioning his own regulatory guidelines and not breaking the law.