/ Image of Bazarov. "Rebellious heart" - the composition-reasoning. Essay on the theme “Rebellious heart” (based on the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev)

The image of Bazarov. "Rebellious heart" - the composition-reasoning. Essay on the theme “Rebellious heart” (based on the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev)

The key figure in the novel is I. S.Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" is Evgeny Bazarov. This hero causes conflicting feelings: on the one hand, he seems insensitive, and on the other, a person who is simply afraid to demonstrate his feelings. Therefore, an essay on the theme “The Image of Bazarov. A rebellious heart” is one of the most complex and interesting topics.

The nihilistic nature of Bazarov

One of the foundations of the essay on the theme "Rebelliousa heart. The image of Bazarov "are the special nihilistic beliefs of the protagonist. That is, it means the denial of any principles and authorities, as well as contempt for any manifestations of feelings.

In these beliefs, the rebellion of hisnature, because, denying any authority, he becomes aloof from the rest of society. And such a strong nature immediately attracts attention with dedication and willpower and courage of views. This is what attracted Kirsanov in the first place, since he himself was soft in kind.

Конечно, легко в сочинении "Бунтующее сердце.The image of Yevgeny Bazarov "to write only about what kind of protagonist is a strong character, a person who has his own opinion on everything. But in fact, this is a rather vulnerable position, because such a worldview makes it impossible for feelings to appear. Therefore, many heroes of the novel tough person, though, it turns out that he can feel like other people.

the image of Bazarov rebellious heart composition

Bazarov's personal conflict

The protagonist of the novel would not be so interestingif he did not continue to develop and not question his beliefs. After all, this is what happened after his meeting with Odintsova. In the work “The Image of Bazarov. The Rebellious Heart” one should give a brief description of their relationship and how they influenced the character of Eugene.

After all, the meeting with Anna Odintsova servedimpetus to the development of the personal conflict of the hero. Because he always disdained any sentiment, and then he felt something like love. Bazarov could not deviate from his principles, but at the same time he could not help but understand that he felt something for this woman.

And this understanding makes him angry, Bazarov is afraidto become attached to someone, that someone will lead his life. His anger and irritation from the fact that his nihilistic views have cracked, disrupts Odintsov. Later, he becomes angry and spoils relations with others and cannot admit to himself that he feels the need to be appreciated and understood. Only at the end of life in the soul of Bazarov peace reigns, and he accepts his feelings.

an essay on the theme of rebellious heart image of Bazarov

Is nihilistic views correct?

In his work on the "Image of Bazarov.The rebellious heart "must not only reflect on the development of the hero in the novel, but also on why his views cannot be considered ideal. After all, it would seem that if a person has no authority, he controls his feelings, then he must be an invulnerable person. However on the example of Bazarov, readers see that the denial of everything is not good, why?

Because nihilists deny the possibilitymanifestations of good feelings such as compassion, caring, love. And when it is necessary to show them, people like Bazarov do it with difficulty. Therefore, it seems from the outside that they are callous, cold, although by the way Yevgeny was worried about the situation with Odintsova and Arkady’s distance, one can see that these are people capable of deep feelings.

Bazarov shows no respect for the past.countries, older people. He does not want to understand their point of view and get to know them better. As a result, society does not accept them, and they remain lonely. After all, even his parents, who truly loved him, come to the grave of Eugene.

composition rebellious heart image of Evgeny Bazarov

Is Bazarov a revolutionary?

Epigraph to the composition "Rebellious heart.The image of Bazarov "you can make the words that I. S. Turgenev wrote about his hero:" If he is called a nihilist, then you must read: a revolutionary. "Why can Bazarov be equated to revolutionaries?

Nihilists are not simply deniedeverything, and they denied everything created by capitalist society. This includes autocracy, serfdom, corruption. It was precisely to the overthrow of this system that the revolutionaries, who wanted to build a new system, strove. And Bazarov: he was a man of action, a man of the present. He did not look into the past and did not look into the future, it was more important for him to do something useful right away.

О том, что он сочувствовал крестьянам, сказано в the novel, because Eugene all loved him, he understood a simple "peasant" language. Nevertheless, he despised him for ignorance, since he himself was a man of wide education. In this you can see the manifestation of his vanity.

rebellious heart image of Bazarov composition short

Comparison of Bazarov and Kirsanov

In the work "The Image of Bazarov.The rebellious heart "can be compared to the main character with other characters. Eugene and Pavel Kirsanov are constant rivals with completely opposite views. Kirsanov is an aristocrat for whom public opinion is important, it is always important to look good, Bazarov is independent of other people's opinions and even on his external the view does not pay any attention. Pavel Kirsanov with his smartness is ridiculous, and even the romantic story told by Arkady could not arouse Bazarov’s sympathy.

Kirsanov, unlike a young man, is veryHe honored family ties and was ready to defend the honor of his family. Eugene, even with his parents, kept at some distance. Pavel Kirsanov felt in Bazarov a threat to the well-established social order, of which he was a part. He considered the nihilistic views of the guest dangerous because he saw rebellion in them.

Could Bazarov find his place in society

Also in a short essay "The Image of Bazarov.Rebellious heart "you can write a discussion about what the future fate of the main character could be. After all, as a result, society became one that corresponded to the ideas of Eugene. But would he find his place there?

the epigraph to the composition of the heart rebellious image of Bazarov

Возможно, что нет.After all, it was not for nothing that a meeting occurred with Anna Odintsova - she showed Yevgeny from the other side. Not only as a rebel, but also as a person who has a heart. Bazarov could not accept that his foundations were destroyed and: not only other people, but he himself could not fully adhere to these views. In any case, you can build many assumptions about how his future fate would have been. But one thing can be said for sure: I. S. Turgenev presented Russian literature with a vivid, not leaving readers indifferent hero.