/ / Composition "What is a feat": the basics of writing

Composition "What is a feat": the basics of writing

The school is a place where we learned a lot.It is better to read, write, solve complex problems. It did not do without written control and independent works, among which many were remembered works.

What is a feat?

Someone loved to write them, some did not, andsomeone, while still in school, tries to learn how to correctly express their thoughts. Let's try to master the basics of writing works on the Russian language. For example, let's take an essay-reasoning on the theme "Feat".

Introductory part

It is believed that starting an essay is always more difficult than anything else. But this task becomes easier if you know a few basic ways how to start your reasoning. There are several options:

  • One of the best options for startingcomposition-reasoning is the formulation of a question corresponding to the topic. Example, from which issue to begin the composition: "What is a feat?" Or "Is there a place for heroism in our lives?". You can pick up any other question, suitable for the topic, which you are more comfortable or interesting to reason with.
  • The next way to start writing isepigraph. A lot of writers, poets and playwrights before us talked about feats, and you can take their quotes and sayings as the beginning of the composition. Do not take a few quotes - one is enough, a maximum of two. Also do not forget to indicate the author of the statement and the work (if you took the words from the book).
  • To begin the work "What is a feat?"Can also be from his words and reasoning. For example: "The theme of achievement has always been relevant: in the past, and in the present, and will be relevant in the future, because ...". Such a beginning will be convenient for further reasoning and expressing one's own thoughts.
  • The introductory part can begin with a story about your personal experience. "In my life I was an eyewitness of the most real feat, and it made me think about the meaning of this concept."

Entry should not be large.It's enough 3-4 proposals, in which you lay the beginning of your reasoning. Do not rush to answer the question posed - ask the intrigue of the essay, which you will reveal only in the main part.

essay on the feat

Main part

The main part of the work is the largestnot only by the number of words, but by the volume of information. In the main part, you should open the topic, answer the question posed and bring the work to its logical conclusion. But many people have problems with this part - and what to write?

A few secrets

Everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are several ways to write the main part:

  • You can start to argue on your own,answering the question "what is a feat?". A student can bring his thoughts and reasonings, can rely on personal experience or consider a work in which one or more feats were performed.
  • A student may consider the concept of heroism intime. To study what was considered a feat several centuries, decades ago and what is considered in our days. Write about existing problems in modern times. For example: "Nowadays the concept of" feat "has changed significantly. Today, few people are willing to sacrifice themselves to save another, and most do not pay attention to people who need help. " The main part should be a reflection of the student's thoughts.
  • Another option for writing can bethe argument about exploits in different situations, for example, a feat in the war. The writing should include not only personal reasoning, but also specific examples. Perhaps you have a relative who passed the war and shared his memories.

Thus, you can write the main part, which is included in the work "What is a feat?". Having finished his reasoning, it is necessary to go to the final part.

feat of war

The final part

The last part of your essay by volume canbe equal to the introductory or be slightly larger than it. The student must logically complete his work, drawing a conclusion about what was written. There are several ways to do this.

  • Give an exact answer to the question at the beginning. For example, the work "What is a feat?" Can be ended with the conclusion: "A feat is something that makes people better, pushing them to courageous deeds."
  • To finish writing it is possible with advice: "Let each person think about how important it is to perform feats in our time".
  • If in the introduction you did not use quotations, then they can be placed in the final part as a conclusion.
  • Also you can leave the thinking open,writing the main question and thereby complete the essay: "There is always a place for heroism? Or the heroic deed may be unnecessary? Everyone should answer this question himself. "
  • You can finish the composition by writing a personal conclusion and your thoughts on this topic.
    essay on the feat

The most important

That's how you can write an essay-reasoning onthe theme "feat", which will be worthy of the teacher's appreciation. Before handing over the notebook, do not forget to check the text for errors - then the deserved five is guaranteed.