In the second half of the XIX century in Russia beganSlowly declare yourself a new type of hero. If before it was a nobleman, now domestic writers are increasingly paying attention to raznochintsy democrats, people of non-aristocratic origin, who with their work and perseverance made their way. The image of Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Sons” absolutely corresponds to such a hero, so it is safe to say that Turgenev was able to catch the mood of the people and listen to Russian life. If this were not the case, the writer would not be able to accurately depict the conflict between different generations.
Democracy Bazarov
The appearance of the main character also points toits simplicity. In the nobility he appears in a robe, which is a disregard for conventions. The author also draws attention to the red hand of Eugene, it is very different from the sleek hands of aristocrats. Bazarov is no stranger to physical labor, he does not like to spend time on entertainment, even in Maryina he continues to be engaged in experiments all day long.
The hatred of the aristocracy and the love of the people for the hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons"
At the same time, the people have the image of Bazarov in the novel"Fathers and Sons" causes only positive emotions. The guys ran around the doctor for days at a time, like doggies, Peter and Dunyasha sympathized with the hero. Even the shy Fenichka was so accustomed to Eugene’s simplicity and kindness that she dared to call him in the middle of the night when her son fell ill.
Loneliness Bazarov
The image of Bazarov in the novel "Fathers and Children" istragic. The hero does not find like-minded people, only imaginary followers, for whom his ideas are a tribute to fashion. In addition, he is unhappy in love. The death of Eugene was inevitable, because like him, it is almost impossible to survive on earth.