Each student passed in his school lifethrough the writing of works. Someone gave it with ease, but someone could think for a long time over the text, but never complete the task for a good evaluation. To avoid such trouble, we will try to learn how to express your thoughts correctly. As an example, consider the direction "The role of the book in my life". Composition of this subject allows the student to freely talk, without having any special knowledge.

Writing an introduction
To start an essay, you should remember several important rules:
- Entry and conclusion together should be approximately ½ of the total volume of the text.
- The main part should be the largest in volume and be at least ½ the size of the entire text.
Therefore, for accession, we need about 3-4 proposals. How should I start my narrative?
«Роль книги в моей жизни» - сочинение, которое the student can begin with his reasoning. "The importance of books in human life is great. Of these, he can get a lot of information, which opens before each unprecedented horizons. "
Также можно задать вопрос, на который будет дан answer in the main part. "Is it so important the importance of books in a person's life, as everyone says? I think so. And the proof of this is my personal experience. "
Main part
Let us now turn to the main part of the topic "The role of the book in my life". Composition of this direction can include any thoughts and reasoning of the student.

You can tell about your love for books and about how youthan she helped you in life. "I like to read from childhood and learned a lot from books. Thanks to this, I was able to develop my memory and speed of reading, which helped me in high school. Now I can easily memorize a large amount of information, and thanks to a quick reading deeply to delve into the topic. "
In addition, the student can write a generalreasoning in this direction. "A book is a unique source of information that can preserve recorded knowledge for many centuries and transmit them from generation to generation. It is thanks to books that we can reliably learn what happened in the world several centuries ago. "
Как вы заметили, рассуждать на подобную тему the student can freely. "The role of the book in human life" is an essay-reasoning that helps the child develop the ability to independently think and evaluate the information that he receives.
The student can also finish his compositionin several ways. One of them is a call for people not to forget about books and their importance. "I hope that in the age of modern technologies people will not forget about ordinary books. After all, when you read it, it sometimes seems as if entire worlds and universes that you want to know are frozen on pages. "
You can also finish the composition with a conclusion. "Books - this is what makes a person think and develop his mind, because their importance in human life is difficult to overestimate.

Thus, you can expand the theme "The role of the bookin my life". The writing (the arguments contained in the text) must prove the student's point of view. Therefore, if you follow all these tips, your reasoning will definitely be worthy of high praise.