/ / Basic forms of government

Basic forms of government

Forms of government of the state is a kind of systemgovernment controlled. This concept includes the method of its formation, the duration of this system, the rights, as well as ways of interaction of the elements of government between themselves and the people. It also determines the strength of the public's influence on the formation of the government structure.

Initially, this concept can be understood in a narrow and broad sense: in the first case it means the organization of only the upper layers of government, and in the second, the interaction of all elements of the state.

In this article we will consider the most common forms of government of modern states.

Criteria for the form of government

Before proceeding to the description, it is importantIdentify the criteria by which they are determined. So, the main forms of government are represented by two types: the monarchy and the republic. They are radically different from each other:

1. The way in which power is transferred. It can be given as inheritance or by choosing a population.

2. Responsibility: in the republic the president bears a high responsibility before the society, and the head of state with the monarchy is practically irresponsible before him.

3. The spectrum of powers between the authorities: the republican government is more limited in its actions.

Now consider each of them in more detail.

Forms of government: monarchy

This is a form of government when the stateheaded by one person - a monarch. This person receives inheritance rights, and before the society of the state, which he manages, he is not responsible, but legally it is impossible to deprive him of power.

Consider several types of monarchy:

1. Absolute. It is represented by the unlimited power of the chapter: it is the supreme body, and in its hands absolute power. In the modern world with such a rule, there are Oman and Saudi Arabia.

2. Restricted.In this case, the state is ruled not by one person, but by the authorities that are not subordinated to the monarch. The power between them is dispersed, and its powers are limited to traditions or the constitution. Depending on this, this type of government is divided into two categories: a caste-representative monarchy and a constitutional one. In the first case, power is limited by the criterion of belonging to the estate, most often it is manifested in an advisory form. In constitutional form, the power of the monarch is limited by the Constitution and, together with this, there is a parliament in the state, the composition of which is formed by the people.

Forms of government of the state: republic

With this type of device, the authorities, a, inin particular, their composition, is formed by the people. Representatives of the authorities are necessarily responsible to the citizens of the country equally. The actions of the president are carried out on behalf of the people, and the authorities are formed in such a way as to be independent of each other.

The limit of the actions of the people elected is a special measure, inwhich expresses their responsibility to the citizens of the country. The power is given for a certain period, which can be reduced if the elected ones do not fulfill their duties properly.

There are three types of republics:

1.Parliamentary, in which the parliament plays a major role and has more power than the president. It is he who forms the government and sends him to resign, if necessary. In Greece, Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany exactly this form of the republic, where the presidents do not have significant powers.

2. The Presidential.A distinctive feature of this form of government of the state is that the main power is concentrated in the hands of the president, who forms the government. Currently, it exists in the US and Ecuador.

3. The mixed form. In this case, the powers are divided between the parliament and the president.

Thus, the listed types of government havea number of advantages and disadvantages. At the moment, the monarchy is not so common, and it is probably difficult to imagine it today as a progressive option. The people's government is also not the ideal of government, since the presence of many responsible persons results in the fact that no one is responsible, and a uniform separation of power promotes tug-of-war and empty disputes. In this sense, the monarchical form of government implies a great deal of specifics. Perhaps there is an ideal form of government that we do not yet know, or maybe it is in its absence. One way or another, but the republic and the monarchy are two extremes, between which there is a people who must put up with one of them.