Education in pedagogy is one of the basicconcepts and the main subject of study. In a broad sense, it includes preparing the younger generation for modern life. In the narrow sense, education is a process by which the younger generation must assimilate the material that society has already accumulated over the long years of its existence:
- theoretical knowledge;
- certain labor skills;
- experience and norms of behavior in society.
Methods of education in pedagogy schools and familiesshould be aimed at ensuring that children and adolescents are able to develop a definite, their own system of views and opinions on life. In addition, considerable attention should be paid to the formation of the qualities necessary to solve new, urgent problems. Thanks to proper upbringing, the younger generation should acquire a system of skills that will help them adapt to changing working and living conditions, as well as be creative.
Currently in pedagogy I was able to accumulatea rich foundation that reveals the laws and essence of methods of education. There is a traditional classification of them, which will help to understand the meaning and main features inherent in each group.
On this basis, we can distinguish methods of education in pedagogy. Consider them in more detail:
- Methods that shape the consciousness of the individual. These include the method of example, dispute, lecture, conversation, story. They promote moral and moral education.
- Methods that develop the organizationactivities and shape public experience. They will determine the behavior of the individual. This group includes the following methods of education in pedagogy: demonstration, illustration, instruction, requirement and training. The most optimal will be their use in collective activities.
- Methods to stimulate motivation and behavioractivities of the individual. It is about competition, cognitive play, discussion and emotional impact. Thanks to them, the desire to conform to the accepted social rules and regulations will be formed.
- Methods of evaluation and self-assessment, control andself-control in education. They may be different. Properly organized education will be structured in such a way that the external evaluation will gradually “grow” into self-esteem, and control into self-control. The child should not be an object, but a subject of this process.
But the methods of education in pedagogy should appear in a contradictory and complex unity. The decisive role will be assigned not to separate, “secluded” means, but to a harmoniously organized system.
Naturally, at any stage of educationalprocess some method can be applied in isolation. But it must be supported by others, because without their interaction, it will lose its meaning, and also slow down the movement of this process towards a specific goal. In this capacity, types of education in pedagogy are usually used:
- mental, which focuses on the development and formation of human intellectual abilities, as well as cognitive interests to the world and oneself;
- moral, determined by the ethical requirements of society and aimed at personal development;
- Labor education is aimed at the development and preparation for activities, a conscientious, responsible and creative attitude to work, the accumulation of experience;
- aesthetic should form a sense of beauty;
- physical education contributes to the proper physical development, development of character, will.
But it must be borne in mind that the methods of education in pedagogy should be aimed at naturally encouraging the child to self-education and self-development.