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Methods of teaching in pedagogy

The method is the way to achieve the goal.In pedagogy, the method is a way of joint activity of students and teachers, as a result of which knowledge is transferred, as well as skills and skills. Methods of teaching in pedagogy are divided into three groups - a passive, active and interactive method.

Passive methods of teaching in pedagogy are consideredmost ineffective and are reduced to the fact that students act as passive listeners. Examples of passive lessons - a lecture, a survey, a test, a test. Some teachers, despite all the drawbacks of passive learning, prefer this method, since it is easy to prepare and makes it possible to give out educational material in large numbers for a time limited by the scope of the lesson. In the hands of an experienced teacher, this authoritarian style gives good results.

Активные методы обучения в педагогике более democratic, since the students in the lesson are not just passive listeners, but active participants in the lesson who have equal rights with the teacher. The modern form of active methods can be considered interactive methods that differ from the latter in that students communicate on an equal footing not only with the teacher, but also with each other. The goal of interactive lessons is not only to consolidate the material studied, but more to study the new one.

Among the active methods of teaching, problem training, case studies, role-playing, game production design and seminar-discussion are the most known.

With problem training, the learning process of newknowledge of students becomes like a search or research activity. The success of training in this method is ensured by the joint activity of students and the teacher, whose task is not simply to communicate new knowledge, but to introduce their listeners to the objectively existing contradictions in development and the history of cognition and how to successfully solve them. Students, together with the teacher and under his guidance, discover new things in one of the fields of science, that is, the process of obtaining new knowledge in this case is akin to the activity of the inventor or researcher.

With the usual approach, a new one for the studentinformation is introduced in the learning process as something known and subject to transfer from teacher to student. A student in the learning process must learn the information, remember it and rework it. In case of problematic learning, new information is introduced as something unknown and subject to discovery and research. The role of the student in this case is very active. At the same time, he is insensibly included in the process of discovering new knowledge.

Active methods of teaching in pedagogy are notare exhausted by problem training. One of the most common and effective methods is the analysis of specific situations or case-study. This method reveals and develops the student's ability to analyze real, but not fictitious situations - life or production. When encountering a situation, the student determines the presence of a problem in this situation and what it is, and also forms his attitude towards it.

Methods of teaching in pedagogy can be veryoriginal. One of these interesting teaching methods is the active learning game method, called role-playing. At the same time, problems and special roles are distributed among participants in the educational process. At the same time, say, a production meeting can be played. At the same time, each of the participants "acts at the meeting" in accordance with its own role.

Especially popular are active teaching methods inhigher school. Here, as nowhere is it necessary to involve students in the creative process of cognition and assimilation of new knowledge. Seminars, discussions, debates and other active teaching methods help students to better understand new knowledge and successfully apply them in practice.