/ / The smallest electrically neutral particle of a chemical element: composition, structure, properties

The smallest electrically neutral particle of a chemical element: composition, structure, properties

Весь мир вокруг, начиная с самых глубин земли и to outer space, consists of countless objects, each of which is material. Scientists believe that matter can not be destroyed or created, it is infinite and eternal. Movement is one of the qualities inherently concomitant matter. This is not only the spatial movement of the bodies themselves, but also a change in their states, properties, and so on.

the smallest electrically neutral particle of a chemical element

Matter and its systems

Space and time are considered a form of being for matter. One of its primary properties is the ability to be reflected in the minds of people.

In science today distinguish the following levels of matter and its system:

  • elementary particles;
  • atoms;
  • molecules;
  • fields;
  • macroscopic bodies;
  • geological systems;
  • planets;
  • stars;
  • galaxies;
  • galaxy systems;
  • universes;
  • universe systems.

All material systems are made of livingsubstances, that is, various organisms that, unlike others, are able to reproduce. Elementary particles are a kind of building element for matter. This may be the smallest electrically neutral particle of a chemical element that has a particular charge.

Elementary particles

Total elementary particles that are open inpresent, there are up to three hundred. If the particle has a charge, then there must be an antiparticle. The exception is the smallest electrically neutral particle of the chemical element.

All of them are divided into:

  • hadrons that participate in all interactions, they are divided into baryons (hyperons and nucleons) and mesons;
  • Leptons participate in all interactions, with the exception of the strong (among which there are electrons, muons and neutrinos).

And only photons do not belong to any of these groups.

The division is made based onfundamental interactions that are strong or weak, electromagnetic, gravitational. Strong interaction is much more electromagnetic (a hundred times). The effect is at ultra-short distance - 10ˉ¹⁵ meters. Of course, the weak is much less electromagnetic, but it exceeds the gravitational one many times.

Structure and stability of properties

The clear distinctions that the smallestelectrically neutral particle of a chemical element and other elementary particles, no. For example, it is known that they have a complex structure, which includes the so-called quarks.

If we consider the properties in time, the particlesshow them stably or unstable. Among the first are photons, muon and electron neutrinos, protons with electrons and their antiparticles. Other elementary particles can decay in the period from 10³ for neutrons in a free state to 10ˉ²²-10ˉ²⁴ for those particles called resonances.

Electrons, protons and neutrons

Elementary particles that are part of physical objects are called electrons, protons and neutrons.

electrically neutral elementary particle

The first have a stable negative charge andweight 9 * 10ˉ³¹ kilograms. They are leptons, as they participate in all interactions except strong ones. Protons also have stable properties, but their mass exceeds the electron one 1836 times. This is a baryon from the nucleus of the light isotope of the hydrogen atom. Neutrons, as the name implies, are neutral particles with a mass above the proton. These are also baryons. They are unstable and have a life expectancy of up to sixteen minutes. Protons and neutrons form atomic nuclei.

smallest electrically neutral particle

Atom composition

The tiniest electrically neutral particlechemical element called an atom. In its center is located the core, which has almost the entire mass. The nucleus is positively charged, since it contains only protons and neutrons. The number of protons can be determined by the element number and the periodic table: their number coincides with the sequence number.

Around the nucleus electrons move, the number of whichsame as protons. The smallest electrically neutral particle is capable of donating electrons or, conversely, attaching them. Depending on this, the atom acquires a negative or positive charge. Chemical properties are manifested depending on the number of electrons that can be located at different distances from the nucleus and move in different orbits, with different speeds, energies.

Electric neutral elementary particle is notcan be expressed graphically. Physicists today imagine an atom as a heavy nucleus with a continuous electron cloud around. It is impossible to determine the location of electrons, since there is no appropriate equipment, and also because they exhibit simultaneously wave properties.

electrically neutral particle of a chemical element

Благодаря квантовой механике было доказано, что Each neutral electric elementary particle can have up to several groups of electrons that create electron spherical shells, the maximum number of which is seven.

Moving to a deeper level, the electronemit quantum - photon. Each electron, among other things, rotates on its axis. The property is called "spin." It is considered that this speed is constant, it cannot be changed in any way.

Set of atoms

How an electrically neutral particle is built,studied using the spectrum. An atom emits or absorbs light lines. This is made possible by energy, which takes on discrete values ​​corresponding to atomic states and changes in quantum transitions.

Many atoms with one charge become a chemical element. Today, 107 are known, with 19 of them being initially produced artificially and only later discovered in nature.

Kernels with a heavy mass are unstable, therefore americium and the following chemical elements are obtained only in nuclear reactions.

electrically neutral particle

When one electrically neutral particlea chemical element combines with another (the number of atoms can have up to two thousand), a molecule is formed, which is the smallest particle of a substance with all its chemical properties. But this is a topic for another article.