/ Location and geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg. Interesting facts about the city

Location and geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg. Interesting facts about the city

The city of St. Petersburg is an important financial,scientific, educational and, of course, cultural center of Russia. It occupies an extremely profitable and strategically important position. What are the geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg? What are its natural and climatic features?

A little about the city

St. Petersburg - a kind of "window to Europe"For Russia. This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with lush architecture and eventful history. Here is a large seaport, so the city is not only a cultural, but also an important trading center of its country.

geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg

City on the Neva, the Cradle of Three Revolutions, LittleVenice, North Palmira. St. Petersburg has a lot of unofficial and beautiful names, emphasizing its originality. Today the city is developing dynamically and rapidly, attracting a huge number of foreign investments. After all, one of the main treasures of Petersburg is the colossal personnel and intellectual potential of its inhabitants.

St. Petersburg annually visited by millionstourists. And it's not surprising! After all, the city is a real architectural museum in the open air, which can be studied for months. Here are famous temples, theaters, dozens of art galleries, permanent and temporary art exhibitions. In a word, in the Northern capital of Russia it is interesting to live and study and travel.

determine the coordinates of St. Petersburg

Where is this marvelous city? What are the exact geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg? Read more about this.

St. Petersburg on the map of Russia

St. Petersburg is very importantthe strategic center of the country, because it borders directly on the European Union and has access to the World Ocean. The city is considered the most northerly in the world with a million population (referring to the total number of its inhabitants). To better understand where it is, take a look at the following picture: St. Petersburg on the map of Russia is marked with a green circle.

latitude and longitude of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is the second largest city incountry. More than 5 million people live here. The city hosts the headquarters of major Russian concerns and companies, such as Gazprom, Polymetal, Sibur Holding. Important infrastructural projects are annually implemented here, shipbuilding and automotive clusters are developing intensively.

Among other things, St. Petersburg alsois the second (after Moscow, of course) educational center of the country. About hundred universities and more than 300 scientific research institutes are concentrated here. Many applicants in Russia dream of getting higher education in the City on the Neva.

Geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg

White nights are one and the main highlight of the city.Here they last seven weeks. A person who is well-versed in geography can immediately determine the approximate location of St. Petersburg in this fact. But we need to know more precisely where this city is located.

St. Petersburg on the map of Russia

Determine the coordinates of St. Petersburg is not difficult,having at hand a detailed geographical map. If you do not have it, our article will help you. Below the table shows the exact latitude and longitude of St. Petersburg:

Latitude59º 53 "40" North Latitude
Longitude30º 15 "51" eastern longitude

It is important to note that forThe locations of a given locality are not always using degrees, minutes and seconds. Therefore, the geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg in decimal degrees are proposed below:


The main advantages of the geographical position of the City on the Neva

As already noted above, the economic and geographical position of this city is strategically important and very profitable. Let's list its main advantages:

  • proximity to the states of Northern and Eastern Europe;
  • availability of direct access to the World Ocean (through the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland);
  • a dense network of road, rail and shipping lines;
  • Plain relief and relatively mild climate of the territory;
  • the immediate border with the European Union.

15 interesting facts about St. Petersburg

Of course, there are much more amazing facts related to this city. But we selected fifteen of the most noteworthy of them:

  • 10% of the total cultural heritage of Russia is located within St. Petersburg;
  • in the city you can see the biggest piece of malachite in the world (weighing one and a half thousand pounds);
  • every day on the Nevsky Prospect of the city passes about 2 million people;
  • The Hermitage consists of five buildings, 350 halls and over three million exhibits;
  • it was in St. Petersburg that the deepest subway in the world was built (there is not a single underground station of the subway);
  • the total length of all canals and watercourses of the city is 282 kilometers;
  • the word "gopnik" was born in the Northern Palmyra;
  • until the middle of the XIX century, it was forbidden to smoke on the streets of St. Petersburg;
  • in this city is the highest cult building in Russia (122 meters);
  • The Neva carries twice as much water in its bed as the Dnieper;
  • the total length of all tramways in St. Petersburg is about 600 km;
  • in the city you can count at least three thousand stone sculptures of angels;
  • within the palace complex of Peterhof - 173 operating fountains;
  • in St. Petersburg there are about 300 bridges, 21 of them - a divorce type;
  • the famous Smolny monastery was built for 87 years.

Travelers wishing to visit the Northcapital, one should know that the climate of the region is transitional from continental to marine, which is characterized by a frequent change of air masses. A cloak or umbrella should be a mandatory attribute.