/ / What is the height above sea level in St. Petersburg? St. Petersburg: geography, relief description

What is the height above sea level in St. Petersburg? St. Petersburg: geography, description of the relief

One of the largest regions in Russia isLeningrad. It is located in the north-west of the country, on an area of ​​86,000 square meters. km Only 6.7 million people live here. Comparable area with Austria, whose population is 7.6 million people, occupying an area of ​​84,000 square meters. km

general information

An interesting geographical position has the city of St. Petersburg. Height above sea level varied throughout the city, but on average is relatively small.

Следует отметить, что Санкт-Петербург по своему the location is the northernmost of the cities of the world with a population of more than 1 million people. It is located in the north-west of Russia, on the coast of the Neva Bay, adjacent to the mouth of the river. Neva (Gulf of Finland), and also occupies some islands of the Neva delta. Its total area is 14390 square meters. km

After reading this article, you can find out more detailed information about the geographical position of the northern capital (St. Petersburg): height above sea level, location, topography and so on.

Height above sea level (St. Petersburg)

Division of the city

The city can be divided into 3 parts:Vyborg side (right bank north); Moscow side (left bank, south); island central part. Most of the city is located on the islands, which in the first quarter of the XIX century was 147, and at the end of the century - 101. In the city, by 1976 there were 42 of them, 29 of which were without names. Vasilievsky Island (area 10 sq. Km) - the largest.

Due to the fact that a slight height abovesea ​​level, St. Petersburg in terms of water volumes is ranked first in Russia, and in the world - one of the first. The main waterway of the northern capital is the Neva River, the length of which is 74 km.

Delta of the modern Neva was formed approximately4000 years ago, as a result of the breakthrough of waters into the Gulf of Finland from Lake Ladoga. The banks of the river were heavily swamped before. Shuvalovskoye and Lakhtinskoye swamps have survived to this day.

The delta of the Neva River has an area of ​​83 sq. M. km The height of its shores is on average 3-6 meters, and within the city limits it is about 3 meters.

St. Petersburg: height above sea level

Geography of St. Petersburg

Город по своей площади может сравниться с a small European state. In addition, it has its own mountains, lakes and rivers. In form represents a huge bowl, elongated from north to south. Its edges are the shores of the ancient Baltic Sea - Pargolovsk and Koltush heights (approximately 60 meters above sea level) in the northeast and north, Duderhof (up to 176 meters height), Pulkovo and Pushkin (75 meters) in the south and southwest.

It is noteworthy that throughout northern Palmyrarelatively small elevation. St. Petersburg is located in the territory that belongs to the Prinev lowland and is located near the bay. The continental part rises only about 3 meters above sea level, only the Smolninsky and Vyborg districts are slightly higher (up to 24 meters). There are some small, higher terrain, which can be found below.

From north to south, the city stretches for 44 kilometers, and from east to west - for 25. Its area is more than 600 square meters. km

Geographical coordinates of Petersburg

The city center (geographical) is located in the Gulf of Finland, near the village of Olgino.

The geographical coordinates of St. Petersburg - 59.89 north.latitude and 30.26 east longitude. The same breadth passes through Alaska (southern coast) and Greenland, through Magadan, Ukhta and Oslo (the capital of Norway). And at the same longitude are the cities of Cairo, Kiev, Odessa, Khartoum and Pretoria.


The peculiarity of the relief is a very small height above sea level.

St. Petersburg is more located onterritory, which is a low flat plain, containing many ancient sea terraces. Of these, the most famous is Litorinovaya, which has its origin in the area of ​​the Avtovo metro station. And it stretches along Stachek Avenue and almost the entire Peterhof Highway.

She received her name by the name of the seaLitorinovogo, which existed about 4-7 thousand years ago in the area of ​​the current Baltic. The terrace within the city has been greatly transformed in the process of human life (streets and avenues with rather heavy traffic were built).

At what height above sea level is St. Petersburg

At what height above sea level is St. Petersburg?

The heights in the city are very diverse.The northern territories in the area of ​​the marshy places of the Yuntolovsky reserve have a height of 1 meter, and in the areas of the Poklonnaya Hill - 40 meters. Southern heights average from 5 to 18 meters. Only in some southern and northern suburban areas in some places the average height of the relief reaches 60 m.

Высочайшая точка в черте города составляет 176 meters in the mountains Duderhof. And the lowest point (land) is in the Kronstadt region. This is the Dock Basin, the average annual water level of which is below the zero of the Kronstadt rod at 11.4 meters.

Высота над уровнем моря (Санкт-Петербург, центр) on average it is 5 meters. It is distributed over its districts as follows: in the central regions - 1–5 meters, in the peripheral north - 5–30 meters; in the peripheral southern and south-western regions - 5-2 meters. The Red Village area (approximately 70-110 meters) and Voronya Gora (176 meters) are the highest sections.

Geography of St. Petersburg

In conclusion, a little about the geology of the area

At the time of the Paleozoic (about 400 million liters.back) completely the entire territory of the present city was covered by the seas. Sedimentary rocks such as clays, sands, sandstones and limestones predominated here, covering a crystalline basement with a thickness of more than 200 m.

The relief of modernity was formed inas a result of the gradual activity of the ice cover (Valdai glaciation was 12,000 years ago). Subsequently (after his retreat), the same Litorina Sea was formed, which retreated 4,000 years ago, after which the valley of the r. Neva, composed of sediments of lake-glacial and post-glacial. Over the past 2500 years, the relief has hardly changed.