/ / Little-known sights of St. Petersburg

Little known sights of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg belongs to those cities, eacha trip in which akin to a new discovery: independently, the first is a trip to the city on the Neva or the twentieth, here each time you can see what has not been seen and recognized until then. The fact is that in the city, in addition to world-famous sights, there are also those that are little known, but no less interesting. For example, very few people know that in the Alexander Park there is a miniature of the city, where copies are located, reduced in scale 1:33. Here are the famous parks, cathedrals and palaces of St. Petersburg. One visit is enough, and you can see the main landmarks of the city in almost half an hour.

If you book a hotel sonata on the fountain or any other nearbyhotel buildings, to many famous sights - a stone's throw, including to the Summer Garden, which in the old days were arranged fireworks and balls were held. It was in the summer garden that regular gardens were built and the first fountains in the city were built.

Thanks to excellent transport links fromthe hotel can quickly get to the Museum of the Art and Industry Academy. Few people know that the interiors of the museum are not only inferior, but even in some ways superior in beauty to the interiors of the famous Winter Palace. Within the walls of this unique building were filmed "Master and Margarita." The Museum of Microminiature, called the name that most accurately characterizes the collections that remain here, surprises visitors with unusual exhibits: "Russian Lefty".

If you choose to stay hotel on Nevsky Prospect, you can not just stay for a few dayshistorically important area of ​​the city, but also to be practically among the sights, because here every house has its own, sometimes unique history and interesting architecture. In the place where the avenue intersects with the Fontanka, there is the Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace, which is known to many as the Sergievsky Palace. Once here hospitable hosts arranged luxurious balls, on which there were also crowned persons. In particular - Emperor Alexander III and his wife. In the big concert hall of the palace Anton Rubenshtein, Franz Leht and other famous musicians performed at musical evenings. And today in the walls of this beautiful well-groomed building classical music sounds, even foreign tourists come to concerts.