/ / Short essay: "My favorite poet of the Silver Age"

Short essay: "My favorite poet of the Silver Age"

Each epoch in history has its own imprint.on culture, especially on literature. Poets and writers seek to perpetuate their time in literature and express their thoughts in poems, poems, novels, and short stories.

essay is my favorite silver age poet

Time frame

At the turn of the XIX – XX centuries in Russia arose andformed a completely new direction in the works. It left its mark not only on literature, but also on music, painting and other spheres of art. About 35 years in Russian culture there has been a significant rise, which left the world a huge creative legacy. Beautiful poets, whose poems are admired far beyond the borders of Russia, artists whose paintings adorn private collections and museums, composers, and authors of classical works.


The term "Silver Age" is firmly entrenched in history and culture, and almost every sign. A lot of time is devoted to studying this short period at school in literature classes.

my favorite poets of the silver age

Students are introduced first to the main trends.and distinctive features of the period, with biographies of poets and their work. At the same time, the history lessons are studying this controversial period.

The history of the Silver Age originates in the lastdecade of the XIX century. And it is absolutely not by chance, because it was at this time that decadence came into the artistic culture. And it dictated new rules - the rejection of the generally accepted civil ideals and the deepening of their own experiences. Creative people sought to escape into the world of fantasies and dreams, to hide from the threats of the outside world.

But this absolutely did not mean the separation of creativity from real life. Using the entire arsenal of symbols and speech turns, the poets managed to convey the essence of that time and become close readers.

School program

The first acquaintance with the Silver Age experiencedteachers recommend starting in elementary school. The child already has a certain vocabulary that helps to perceive such information. For this age, poems about nature are perfect. They will help to assimilate the concept of symbolism in literature and help to reveal creative personalities.

Modern education is based on complexity, so the lessons of literature, history, and artistic culture imply drawing parallels and studying the main directions of the work of poets.

an essay on the topic of a favorite poet

A deeper acquaintance with the Silver AgeThe comprehensive school program offers in grade 9. At the end of the topic, students are invited to make a presentation on the theme "My favorite poets of the Silver Age." In the course of such a lesson, everyone can tell exactly what he likes more, what inspires and encourages empathize with lyrical heroes.

After studying this period in literature, teachers are planning an essay "My favorite poet of the Silver Age." So students not only systematize their knowledge, but also learn to express their point of view.

The writing on the theme “Favorite Poet” can be given to schoolchildren as a free topic. Pupils will be able to express themselves, show knowledge and be creative in their work.

In order for the educational process to benefit children and they have fully mastered the material, it is important to acquaint them with the main trends in the literature of that period.

It is worth noting that the Silver Age gave birth to many trends in poetic art, namely symbolism, futurism, acmeism, imagism.

Silver Age favorite poet Esenin


Поэзия символизма – это совершенно новая поэзия hints and associations, built on symbolic images. To convey emotions and experiences helped symbols, which only strengthened the beauty of the syllable and the transmitted mood. The poets of this trend deeply experienced social and spiritual conflicts of society. All of this they reflected in their poems and became the greatest legacy of Russian literature. A. Blok, N. Gumilev, K. Balmont, V. Bryusov, D. Merezhkovsky and many others belong to this direction. When writing an essay on the theme “My beloved poets of the Silver Age”, it is possible to give a description of the main trends in literature and poetry and show with examples in common between representatives of this trend.

Gumilyov poet of the Silver Age


Futurist poets sought to break stereotypeswriting poems. They promoted freedom in everything - rhyme, words, punctuation. One of the most prominent representatives is V. Mayakovsky, whose poems are original and unique. And if you write an essay “My favorite poet of the Silver Age” about him, then you should be sensitive to that stream of thoughts and the semantics of the verbal form.


N.S.Gumilyov - the poet of the Silver Age, who became the founder of this trend in literature. Acmeists sought to use the old forms and words, to convey their thoughts accurately and logically. Their poems are calm and understandable to everyone, they try to disassemble emotions and feelings, give them meaning and put a wreath of words quite understandable to the world and people of truth. You like poems. N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova or O. Mandelstam? Then the essay “My favorite poet of the Silver Age” will help to maximally reveal this trend and convey the mood of the writers accurately and harmoniously.


Поэты-имажинисты использовали в своих творениях metaphors, epithets and comparisons that helped to express their thoughts as accurately as possible. One of the brightest and most prominent representatives of this trend was S. Yesenin. He was the one who thought about the connection between poetry and the canons and peculiarities of the Russian language and folk art. In addition, Yesenin opposed the futuristic direction, which was completely opposite to the views of the Imagists. In their poems, special attention is paid to landscape lyrics, poets glorify the beauty of nature, which is so consonant with human feelings and emotions. And if your favorite poet of the Silver Age is Yesenin or Vadim Shershnevich, then through the essay you can convey the depth of their creativity and trace the brightest moments of the creative path. And it is very important for the reader.


As an example for writing an essay about the beloved poet of the Silver Age, you can cite the verses of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin.

"S.A. Yesenin is my favorite poet of the Silver Age. A representative of Novo-peasant poetry was born back in 1895 in Konstantinovo, Razyansky Uyezd, Russian Empire.

The Russian poet fell in love with me with his poems, with simple lines that reveal a great deal of meaning.

His verse "Birch" makes the soul admire the sublime beauty of a simple Russian tree. Immediately seems marvelous snowy evening and a birch outside the window. Some kind of warmth warms the soul ...

Simple words take you to the same place, at the very moment when snow falls on birch branches:

"... And the dawn is lazy
Circling around
Sprinkle branches
New Silver. "

All the poems of Sergei Yesenin are beautiful and very easy to understand. But the most famous and beloved poems by millions of people are:

1. "Memories".

2. "Spring evening".

3. "Where are you, where are you, father's house."

4. "Spring. Joy is not like."

5. "Sunrise".

6. "I see a dream. The road is black."

7. "Birch".

8. "Young years".

9. "The reeds rustled over the backwater".

10. "Autumn".

Anyway, the essay "My favorite poet of the Silver Age" will help the student to draw conclusions about the difficult period in the literary life of Russia and to sum up the material covered.