/ / Do you know which continent Canada is on?

Do you know which continent Canada is on?

Our planet is amazingly beautiful and diverse.Each corner of it is really unique, and each country is not like any other. Take, for example, Canada. The multinational state is located in the northern lands with a wonderful nature. Do you know which continent Canada is on? Let's find out!

on which continent is Canada

North America

On what continent is Canada, probably,Every schoolboy knows. This is North America, one of the six continents of the world. It is located in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere of the planet and has an area of ​​20.36 million square meters. km. If you consider all the islands that belong to the mainland, then its area will increase by almost four million square kilometers.

The continent, on which the United States, Canada andMexico, is washed by the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as numerous seas that belong to their basins. From Eurasia it is separated by a narrow Bering Strait, and from South America - the Isthmus of Panama and an artificial canal.

The extreme points of the mainland are the capes of Mariyato,Murchison, Prince of Wales and St. Charles. And his name is due to the brave explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who first suggested that the land discovered by Columbus is not the East Indies, but a territory unknown earlier.

united states canada

Canada on the world map

Today, the country whose name was translated fromadverbs of the aborigines, as "settlement, village", is considered one of the most highly developed in the world. And on what continent is Canada, the reader already knows. The state occupies the northern part of the continent and a large number of nearby islands. The US is not protected from the border, as these countries are allies and partners in many aspects. The capital is a relatively small city of Ottawa that is in the province of Ontario.

On the territory of Canada, people have lived for a long time.In the 1000s the Vikings arrived here. However, their colonies did not take root here. Europeans again came to these lands after the discovery of the New World. At the end of the fifteenth century, British and French expeditions actively explored North America. Between England and France, then began a real war for new possessions, which involved and local tribes. As a consequence, up to 80% of Indians died as a result of fighting and diseases brought by the colonialists.

canada on the world map

About the country

So, on which continent is Canada, we are alreadyfound out. Now let's talk a little about the country and its features. Until now, it is the dominion of the British Commonwealth and is under the authority of the Queen. It is interesting that she does not have her own constitution, and the life of society is regulated through a collection of acts. In Canada, a very accessible and simple immigration policy that helps increase the population. And the country takes an active part in world trade, supplying agricultural products and manufactured goods to the market.

Canada is a state with a high standard of living,medicine, science and culture. And, of course, its inhabitants do not represent their lives without sport. The most popular form is hockey, which has official status, and the Canadian team is rightfully considered the strongest team in the world.

which continent

Sights of Canada

And what else is interesting in Canada?What mainland it occupies, we found out at the beginning of this article, now let's talk about the sights of the country and its interesting places. First of all, these are man-made miracles, as well as natural objects - national parks, glaciers, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, bays, mountains, deserts and beaches. The traveler should definitely visit such cities as Ottawa (the capital of the state), Quebec (the capital of French Canada), Toronto (the main city of the English-speaking province), Halifax. Here is a short list of places from which you need to start getting to know Canada:

  • Rocky Mountains.This famous ridge is mostly in the US, but in Canada it is much more beautiful. There are five national parks here (Glacial, Banff, Kotenau, Jasper and Yoho), whose beauty is not conveyed in words. The place is ideal for skiing and hiking. You can admire the Rockies with the Rocky Mountaineer Express, which has glazed cars.
  • Strait Johnstone and the island of Vancouver attract fans of surfing and animal lovers (in the waters there are dolphins, killer whales).
  • Lake Louise is a pond with perfectly clear turquoise water framed by the Rocky Mountains. In addition to the fabulous view of the lake, there is an excellent infrastructure.
  • Churchill (Manitoba) is famous for the fact that you can admire the Northern Lights and the polar bears in the natural environment.
  • Pier 21 (Nova Scotia) is a museum that tells about the colonization of Canada from 1928 to 1971.
  • Niagara Falls. Let not the highest and not the widest, but its beauty fascinates at first sight.
  • The Bay of Fundy, where canoeists and canoeists flock to, and whales swim from time to time.
  • Ice hotel in downtown Toronto. By the way, this is the only hotel of its kind in North America.

on which continent is Canada


Wild and almost untouched beauty of Canadian nature can be described for hours, but it is better to see it once with your own eyes!