/ On which continent is Mexico. Sights of Mexico, photo

On which continent is Mexico. Sights of Mexico, photo

Mexico is a country with an incredibly rich history. This state on its way to becoming faced with many obstacles. But, despite everything, overcame them.

on which continent is Mexico
Mexico gave the planet a large number ofsignificant personalities and incidents, which in general influenced the development of mankind and the emergence of history. A modern person may not be fully sure of what continent Mexico is on, but that it was in the territory of this power that the once legendary Maya lived, here tequila was invented and chocolate appeared, everyone knows and without exception.

Geographical information

First of all, after all, we will find out on whichthe mainland is Mexico. The answer is simple - on the continent North America. By the way, the full name of the country sounds like the United States of Mexico. Thus, this country is located in the southern part of North America and in most of Middle America. In the north, the state is adjacent to the following American states: California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

From the southern and western sides of the Mexican Stateswashed by the Pacific Ocean, which is explained by the fact on which the mainland is Mexico. On the eastern side, the state is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. In addition to America, the Aztec country is in contact with Belize and Guatemala.

 on which continent is Mexico

The total area of ​​the country reaches 1972550 kilometers. And the country's population is 124 890 590 people.

What is Mexico, this and the bay

The Gulf of Mexico is not quite rightname. It would be much more correct to call it by the sea. After all, its size is amazing. A lot of straits separate the bay from the Atlantic Ocean. Americans call the coastline of this sea-bay its third coast. On what continent is the Gulf of Mexico, it is not difficult to guess - on the same as Mexico itself.

Interestingly, in the east of the pond is the island of Cuba. It is he who separates the Atlantic and the Gulf proper.

Христофор Колумб является первооткрывателем America. But the traveler and I could not imagine that there is such a huge pond nearby. After all, the seafarer swam past this giant, skirting Haiti and Cuba from the east. The first person to discover that America has a third coast was Amerigo Vespucci. In 1497, he was on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The next researcher of this part of the world was Hernan Cortez, and after him the existence of the bay was confirmed by Francisco Hernandez de Cordova.

Olmec and Aztec

Long before mankind became awareon which mainland Mexico is located, the New World was inhabited by the highly developed Olmec civilization. Today, the mention of them are the volumetric stone heads created by them. The invention of the hieroglyphs and the calendar belongs precisely to this people.

on which continent is the Mexican Gulf

Mexico is the name of one of the northernwandering tribes. In the end, the name of this tribe formed the basis for the name of the whole country. His leader Xolotl became the founder of the Aztec tribe. And even later, the national symbol of the state will be the Aztec sign of distinction - the eagle that sits on the cactus.

Mexican Attractions

The first thing that must be looked at inMexico, this is one of the wonders of the world - the pyramid of Chichen Itza. The object is considered a business card of Yucatan and the main attraction of the country. Another name for the pyramid is Kukulkan. It has nine tiers and reaches a height of 24 meters. Four wide staircases located on it lead to the temple on top of Chichen Ittsy. The entrance to the temple is decorated with the mask of the god Chaak - the patron of the rain.

on which continent is Mexico photo

Considering on what continent Mexico is located,its sights are a real miracle of nature. After all, if this country was located in Antarctica or on some other continent, then perhaps there would not be a Parikutin volcano. It is the youngest volcano not only in Mexico, but also in whole North America. Parikutin is also the only stone giant on the planet, the evolution of which was documented by scientists from his appearance and before falling asleep. You can find Parikutin in the state of Michoacan. Every year on February 20, the local population celebrates the day of the formation of the volcano. This holiday is always trying to visit as many tourists as possible. They want to consider a unique lunar landscape - lifeless, gray and monotonous. But the young vegetation gradually conceals under itself such a valuable natural attraction of Mexico.

Interesting and entertaining

You will not surprise anyone on which continentthere is Mexico (photo above), but you can intrigue people by telling them that the first printing press on Earth was used in Mexican Mexico City. It happened in the distant 1539. Well, living in Mexico is incredibly dangerous, because the metropolis is located in the "fire ring", which is an incredibly large area of ​​earthquakes and volcanoes.

Loved by many dog ​​breeders and ordinary caring animals, the chihuahua dog got its name due to one Mexican state.