/ / The largest continent on earth is Eurasia

The largest continent on earth is Eurasia

The land is one third of the entire area of ​​our planet.The Earth's surface is divided by the oceans into continents. The largest continent on Earth is Eurasia. There are continents that are located only in one hemisphere, for example, Antarctica, Australia, North and South America. Such continents as Africa and Eurasia are in all hemispheres of the Earth. Recall that the eastern and western hemisphere of the Earth divides the zero meridian, and the boundary between the southern and northern passes along the zero parallel (the equator).

the largest continent on earth
History of the origin of continents

In the distant past, about a quartera billion years ago, on Earth there was one continent - Pangea. As a result of endogenous processes, Pangea was divided into Laurasia and Gondwana. Even later, the final division of land into modern continents took place. Scientists believe that such a transformation of the land surface - not the last. According to the calculations of specialists, further flooding of many land areas and partial lifting of the ocean floor may occur.

Eurasia - the largest continent

The territory of the continent occupies about 36% of the totalsurface of the Earth, it is stretched for 16 000 km from east to west and 8 000 km from south to north. On the mainland there are about 100 states. The largest continent on Earth includes Asia and Europe. The line of division between them conditionally passes along the Ural mountains. The continent closest to Eurasia is Africa.

"The most" - not only in area

which continent is the largest land
Answering the question about which is the largest continent of the Earth, it should be noted that not only the dimensions of Eurasia are outstanding.

It is here that the greatest mountain system is located, Tibet, where the highest point of the world is - Everest (Chomolungma).

The continent is located in all climatic zones and belts. On Eurasia there is a pole of absolute cold of the northern part of the Earth - this is Oimyakon.

Here is the deepest lake of the whole world - Lake Baikal. It is Eurasia which owns the greatest peninsula of the world - the Arabian one.

The largest continent on the Earth is washed by the waters of all oceans. Eurasia at its northern borders has the largest ocean shelf.

The most numerous countries in the world, such as India and China, are on this continent.

Eurasia is the largest continent

The largest continent on earth has a massfeatures. The location of the continent in all natural areas provides a variety of flora and fauna. A vast territory promotes the diversity of soil types and the availability of hydro resources of terrestrial and subterranean origin. The mineral pantry of Eurasia is represented practically by all the chemical elements included in the periodic table. States located on the mainland have adjacent borders, which facilitates economic cooperation between them. The large number of peoples and ethnic groups living on such a vast territory allows them to exchange cultural and historical heritage. Well, the most important thing is our continent, our country is here, our Motherland, for whose sake all our feats of life will be accomplished.