Questions about standalone applicationsquite often found in the exam tasks on the exam and GIA, and very many examiners are unable to correctly answer them. How to learn to find an application in a sentence and correctly define it?
What is an app?
Under the application should understand the definitionwhich is expressed by the noun and is consistent with the word being defined. The application can designate completely different qualities of objects, provide information about the profession, nationality, age and many other signs of a person or object.
There are separate applications andnon-detached The first ones should be studied more carefully, as far as the second ones, here we can talk about proper names, which are combined with common nouns, as well as cases when common nouns are followed by proper names.
Isolated application: example and analysis
Common applications that are expresseda noun with a noun with dependent words and which themselves belong to a nominal noun, can be isolated. Such applications are most often located behind the word being defined and very rarely in front of it. For example: “Father was joking more, man with gray sideburns”.
In this case, the application "a man with graysideburns "refers to a common noun, so it is separated by a comma. Constructions of the following type can also be isolated: “The engineer said, he is one of the developers of this engine, Igor Sikorsky.”
Single application
Undisclosed application can beit is isolated if it is behind a common noun, and if this noun has attached to it a number of additional explanatory words. They are caught in speeches much less often, so it is much easier to find isolated applications with examples.
Еще реже такое приложение может обособляться, но This is possible if it is with a single noun, and is used to enhance the semantic role of another application, preventing merging with definable words, for example: "Father, disabled, fed and clothed from an early age, and himself."
Applications with hyphens
Separate common application exampleswhich can be found in a large amount of reference books, can be attached to a nominal noun with a hyphen: mother-heroine, teenage guys, etc. Sometimes hyphenated writing becomes possible when there is a definition explaining the general essence of the sentence, saying or just one word.
Hyphenated spelling is possible after namesown (very often this happens when specifying geographical names), for example: the Moscow River. There are cases when a hyphen is placed after the proper name, this is possible when the application together with the name is able to form a single semantic core, for example: Ivan Tsarevich.
When can I not put hyphens when using applications?
There are cases when the application is usedwithout a hyphen, for example, when it is equated in its lexical meaning to an adjective. Another principle is also used if, when combining two nouns of the nominal type, one of them has the meaning of a generic concept, and the other has a meaning (with the exception of terms).
If the application or the designated nounItself is written with a hyphen; additional isolation is not needed here. Two undistributed applications can stand right next to the noun being defined; in this case, they will not be isolated either.
Separate application sentences: examples
Those applications that are related to the nameto their own, they can stand apart from two sides if they are located after the word being defined. For example: "This morning Kataev, the driver of the first bus, spoke about yesterday's incident." If the application is in front of a proper name and has an additional adherent lexical meaning, it will also be isolated: "Confident, Maxim remained so even in the most difficult situations."
A standalone application, an example of which mayLooks like a person’s or animal’s own name, takes place in a sentence if it has an explanatory character or is used to clarify a common noun: “Masha’s dog, Rosalind, didn’t like outsiders and constantly tried to protect her owner from them. Quite often, double punctuation is possible here, everything will depend on whether there is an explanatory hue in the sentence or not.
Application + unions
Separate application, example sentences withwho are often introduced into the stupor of inexperienced native speakers, in fact, does not carry much difficulty. So, it can be joined with the help of the “how” and combinations like “by last name”, “by name”, etc. For example: “Katya, as a smart girl, wanted to get the perfect bridegroom”.
If the union has a lexical meaning "inas something ", then the turnover that will be added with the help of it cannot be considered an application, and even more so to separate it from all the others by commas. Also, applications that have the “how” alliance do not segregate, if they characterize a subject from one side only. A separate application, an example of which can be found in the sentence “He could not get used to her as an actress,” will not be separated by commas.
Application + pronoun
Separate consistent application exampleswhich are sometimes difficult to understand, always commas next to a pronoun. In these cases, there are various options for isolation. They will directly depend on the intonation with which it was uttered, as well as on the presence of pauses after pronouns.
A comma may not be placed in those sentences wherethe pointing particle along with the pronoun are behind the noun, but before the appendix. Writing in this case is controversial, now the largest linguists who study the issue are trying to come to a common opinion.
Complex cases
Даже если вы знаете, что такое обособленное application (examples of sentences with it do not frighten you), be prepared for the fact that there will be various kinds of exceptions. For example, an application may be related to a word that is not at all in the sentence, but it is implied by the context.
This most often occurs when there is nothe sentence of a pronoun, as a rule, is suggested either by personal predicate forms or by other available means. For example: "Always, bitch, I do not drink, but for such a case I will definitely drink." With the help of the form of the verb, you can guess that the sentence does not have the pronoun "I".
Dash instead of comma when isolating
In some cases, a standalone application,Examples of proposals with which it is necessary to study when preparing for the Single State Examination, can be allocated in writing not by commas, but with the help of a dash. Most often this happens when before the application you can insert any word without changing the general meaning of the sentence.
Also a dash is placed in front of the application,located at the end of a sentence, provided that the nature of the application is clarified with a punctuation mark. The dash can be used to isolate explanatory applications. For example: "Some boring picture - the creation of a sad artist - veiled a hole on the wallpaper."
A dash is put as a punctuation mark inIf there is a comma behind the separate application. For example: "With the help of special equipment for scuba diving, anyone can dive into the depths of the ocean and look closer at the inhabitants of the seabed."
A standalone application, an example of which looksthus: “Leading experts - heads of departments spoke at the meeting”, - in this case, it expresses the concretizing meaning of the word being defined, which has a more general meaning, from which it cannot be concluded exactly who we are talking about.
Offers with separate applications, exampleswhich may look like this: “The chief person of the department, Tatyana Petrovna, said that we will not go anywhere today,” is structured so that the application is in front of the word being defined. The dash in this case plays the role of a tool for isolating the application.
Dash can be used if the applicationcombined with a homogeneous member of the sentence, clarifying its value. For example: “At dinner, a father met, a mother, their daughter, Katya, two friends, grandchildren.” This sentence, complicated by a separate application, the examples of which are very conservative, does not have a second dash.
Also a dash can be used in orderto separate homogeneous applications, located in front of the word being defined, from each other. For example, "The author of hundreds of books, scripts, stories and fables - Alexei Petrovich decided to suddenly change activities, and became interested in skydiving and diving."
Также тире может быть использовано в конструкциях following type: "Pushkin - Bezrukov was great." In this case, the application is not isolated, but it plays the role of specifying the element at the subject. From the proposal it becomes clear that the role of the famous poet was performed by a no less famous actor.
A standalone application, an example of which mayhelping to deal with a difficult question in the exam is not really too difficult to understand. If necessary, any student can use reference materials on the Russian language to make sure that he really understands what an application is and how to properly distinguish it within any design.
Before the exam, it is recommended that you read the reference literature, work out the best options for defining the application and work them out with examples for better mastering the material.