/ / Actress Maria Kulikova: filmography and personal life

Actress Maria Kulikova: filmography and personal life

Maria Kulikova is one of the most talented andfamous actresses of modern theater and television. Tapes with her participation are very popular among fans, as well as the personal life of the artist. Maria Kulikova, whose filmography numbered about sixty paintings and serials, from the very childhood surprised loved ones with her bright talent.

Childhood and youth of the actress

Maria Kulikova was born in a hot August1977. The girl's family is inextricably linked with music. Her grandmother for many years was the head of the vocal department of the famous Gnesin school. The father of the future actress was a singer at the State Television and Radio, and also performed in the church choir. So Mary, it can be said, was written to be an actress.

Mariya Kulikova's filmography

Even in her early childhood, the girl was taken to a musicalschool where she studied piano. However, Maria was not particularly interested in this kind of art. Much more she liked to try on different outfits and arrange home plays for her family members. It was here, in the home circle, that children's roles were played, the first roles of Maria Kulikova. Therefore, when the girl was ten, her parents took her to a theater studio, where Masha could fully show her talent. The first work of the girl became the role of Baba Yaga. And I must say that Maria did brilliantly.

mariya kulikova movies

Finding yourself and choosing a profession

When it's time to choose a profession, Maria longdoubted. In the end she decided to study for a lawyer. Then this profession was considered very prestigious and popular with applicants. The girl abandoned the theater and, successfully passing the entrance examinations, went headlong into her studies. And only after studying for a while, I realized that I made a mistake.

The childhood dream of becoming an actress led her toShchukin College, which Maria graduated with success in 1998. Having received a diploma, Kulikova began working in the Theater of Satire, where the talents were appreciated by the directors. She immediately began to give the main roles in comedy performances. Thus, the theatrical artist Maria Kulikova was born. Her filmography as a movie actress began almost at the same time.

Career take-off in the cinema

Her first role was given to Maria immediately aftergraduation from the Shchukin school. It was the work in the television series "Turn the Key". Despite the excitement, Maria coped with the role brilliantly. Most of the scenes were taken from the first take. However, and now the actress is fully laid out on the set, making every effort to ensure that the role was successful. Perhaps, that is why the films with the participation of Maria Kulikova look with such pleasure.

The next series, where the actress played, was"Recluse" directed by Yegor Konchalovsky. In it, Mary gave a small role. This was followed by new proposals and interesting work. Over the next four years, the actress starred in several television series, including "Empire under attack", "Slaughter Force-3" and others.

But the real fame came to her in 2002year, after the appearance on the television screen of the series "Two Fates". Having played one of the leading roles in it, Maria immediately became the focus of the press, directors and fans.

the role of St. Kulikov

Main roles. Filmography

After work in the film "Two Fates", the actress becameto offer new interesting works. Business lady in the series "Sisters by Blood," a forest princess in the tape of the same name, conductor in the "Rails of Happiness" - who was not played by Maria Kulikova. Filmography of the actress was rapidly replenished with new pictures, and the performance of the actress could only be envied. In fact for a year she had time to act in film in the ten of serials which at once won recognition of public.

Recently, Maria is also actively withdrawn.Her filmography is replenished with new roles. Many of the heroines are the characters of the first plan. Over the past two years, you can list the following main roles of Maria Kulikova. This is the work in the series "When the Dawn Comes", the pictures "Incomplete young man", "Husband for an hour" and "Where Love Leaves".

Bright, versatile, charismatic and verytalented - this manifests itself in the work of Maria Kulikova. Filmography includes about sixty art pictures and serials. And she with the same success succeeds completely different characters - this is another weighty proof of the talent of the actress.

It is worth noting and participation in theatrical works, as well as television performances "The Secretaries" and "Eight loving women."

Family and personal life

If the work of your favorite actress is always in sightfans, then the personal life of Maria Kulikova is not advertised. It is known that in her student years she had many admirers, but despite the romance of the first love, serious relationship did not happen.

the main roles of the Kulik

With his chosen one Denis Matrosov, Mariamet on the set of the television series "Two Fates". From the first meeting the couple was inseparable, and soon the lovers got married. Denis, also a popular actor, did not demand that Maria quit her career. Therefore, the girl successfully combined the family and creativity.

In the summer of 2011, a family of actors happeneda happy event - the birth of Ivan's son. Everything seemed perfect. In general, so it was. But a few years later in the press there were reports of the imminent divorce of the couple. Maria and Denis did not comment on the situation, nevertheless in the winter of 2015 the family disintegrated.

Today, the actress brings up her beloved little son. The boy inherited the talent of his mother and already at such an early age arranges home performances.

Interesting facts about Maria Kulikova

In dozens of TV series starred in her career, MariaKulikova. Movies with the actress invariably become popular. However, fans are interested not only in creativity, but also in the hobbies and habits of their favorite artist. Let's list some interesting details from her life:

  • The actress adores going to cinemas and can visit several sessions in one day.
  • Maria dreams of giving her little son Ivan a sister.
  • On the set of the series "Two Destinies" the actress did not know how to drive a car, but in the frame she could do it with might and main. However, today Maria feels great at the wheel.

personal life of the Kulik
A talented actress, a loving mother, justbeautiful and fragile woman - this appears before us Maria Kulikova. Personal life, divorce and the fate of the actress remain the subject of close attention to the press. But all the same, the best thing about the artist is his work. And Maria does not tire of confirming this, constantly delighting fans with new bright roles.