/ / The genesis of philosophy as an integrated problem

The Genesis of Philosophy as an Integrated Problem

This issue is not an aspectconsidering only historical science or scientology, the problem should be considered much more broadly, which is explained by the peculiarity of the phenomenon of philosophy itself, which contains both a scientific component and a practical practical component, which is particularly pronounced, for example, at the initial stage of its formation.

The historical genesis of philosophy suggests the answer.to the question of when it arose and how it evolved in the space-time dimension. Obviously, to proceed to the study of the genesis of philosophy should try to understand those civilization parameters that characterized society at the time of the occurrence of this phenomenon. And this moment temporarily coincides with when the contradictions of social life and the natural knowledge of being could no longer be resolved by the methods traditional for that time. The spatial connection draws our attention to ancient Greece, where these contradictions are most pronounced, and therefore the genesis of philosophy in ancient Greece should be considered as the starting point of our analysis.

В самом деле, возникновение и развитие философии creates the need for a clear boundary between those phenomena of life that are generally recognized as true, and those that are doubtful and cannot be verified by the resources currently available. That is why philosophy as a system of views and thoughts arises on the basis of criticism of traditional traditional beliefs that have prevailed before it, reflecting the existence of man and nature, she herself criticizes tradition and custom, offering not only a new view on things, but also a new tool that forms this view. This is evident from the fact that the very first ancient Greek philosophers themselves were, above all, critics of the mythological culture of Greece, finding in it a logical inconsistency (often absurdity) and immorality. It should be noted that this criticism did not mean that these philosophers finally severed all ties with the mythological worldview, they simply “grew out” of the narrow framework of mythologism and offered the society a broader view of things. The genesis of philosophy, perhaps, contains this transition as one of the most dramatic pages, because it was not only the perception of the world that was changing by a single person, cultural, moral, political and legal forms of organizing the life of people were changing as well.

Emerging and increasingly deepening conflictbetween traditional forms of understanding the world and knowledge and a new, philosophical type of thinking, it becomes that revolutionary impetus, a motive that pushes people to try to give the existing world a new rationale and explanation.

In ancient Greek society, the genesis of philosophybegins when the usual structure of life, its interpretation and justification, are threatened. People not only can not explain everything by the old standards, for example, good and evil, but also can no longer live by the old standards and models, be guided by the old values. This state is comparable to the deepest mental crisis (as applied to Greece, this crisis was resolved by the formation of a fundamentally new civilizational phenomenon - the Hellenistic culture), when the identification reference points for people in almost all spheres of their life activity are lost. For example, in the 6th century BC, almost all the pillars of its traditional sociality, based on the visible boundaries of class division, which were reinforced by the ideology of the time - myths, were destroyed in Greece.

It required a completely different understanding andeconomic organization of society, as slave labor has already sufficiently demonstrated its futility. Politics was no longer interpreted as a given of the gods, but was regarded as the “work of human hands”. Naturally, all these phenomena contributed to the destruction of the old forms of connections in society and offered him new tools and patterns of self-organization.

In the field of thinking and knowledge occursdecisive rejection of the figurative and metaphorical peculiar to myths. Thinking becomes rational, its operational side is filled with concepts and categories. And thus, gradually, philosophy becomes the dominant type of consciousness and worldview, including elements of mythology only as a part of it.