This pair is not very good compatibility.The man-virgo + woman-Aries is a rather problematic union. This is a strange love, and the result of such a relationship is no less strange, but everything begins as usual. Couple, despite the obvious differences in temperaments and characters, converging quickly. But the further course of the relationship reveals big problems with mutual understanding, for the overcoming of which you will need iron nerves and angelic patience.

Mutual relations from the point of view of men
Compatibility "man-virgo + woman-Aries" inthe relationship is not very good. The eccentric tricks of the ladies can shock her chevalier. Belonging to the fire element makes the woman Aries inconsistent and quick-tempered. She does not want to compromise and listen to some reasonable arguments from a man. Therefore, in the event of disagreements, it will be extremely difficult for them to resolve the situation. A fiery woman can behave tactlessly and rudely, considering a man-Virgo a strong enough person to withstand this and survive the offense. However, this is a mistake. Virgo will calmly listen to all insults, without entering into polemic and without answering the same, and will draw the necessary conclusions. He will think about how correctly he made the choice, but will not sink to scandals and quarrels, but simply bring Aries to the black list.

Relationships from point of view women
Совместимость «мужчина-Дева + женщина-Овен» не differs ideality, but the fiery lady is very attracted by the earthly gentleman. She likes his practicality, poise and tranquility, which she lacks. If a man-Virgo is angry, then it will not be scandals and scenes. He is unlikely to interfere in the affairs of the partner and limit her freedom. The quality of family relations in this pair is very much dependent on the mind, level of development, moral qualities and intelligence of partners. The ability to sympathize with the shortcomings of another, rather than subject them to harsh criticism, will help to make relations stable.

Sexual relations
In the intimate sphere, this couple has a goodcompatibility. Virgo-man + Aries-a woman can achieve greater mutual understanding in relationships if they have harmony in sex. At the primary stage of communication, the attraction of partners is not pronounced. However, over time everything is getting better. Excellent sex helps couples tolerate differences in characters and overcome tension. During a crisis, it can help rebuild relationships.