Capricorn-female, male-Fish is a couple thathas a good chance of a happy union. This combination is very interesting. These people, though different, but get along well with each other and complement each other with missing features. In such a union, the Capricorn lady, as a rule, takes care of tomorrow and provides stability, and the man-Pisces fills him with feelings, makes her emotional and bright. Therefore, the Capricorn-Woman, Man-Fish alliance has every chance for a happy future and success.

There are two types of unions "Capricorn - Pisces".In many ways, they depend on the abilities and character of a man. If he does not shine with talents, then a couple, oddly enough, can be very successful. The Dame-Capricorn provides her chosen one with good conditions, support and support, while the Pisces man worships her, surrounds her with love and has been making amazing compliments all her life. In addition, he is an excellent psychologist who always listens to his darling and will help morally. Ladies in such marriages maintain healthy nerves and always have a good mood, peculiar to people whom they love very much, and men always receive material support. Therefore, the union turns happy and successful. Relations in a different type of the Capricorn-Woman + Man-Fish alliance are no less good, only relationships are built on a different principle. When a man is talented and has a good chance of being successful, the lady becomes the engine of progress for him. She very subtly manipulates Pisces, gradually directing their actions in the right direction. In such a marriage, the Capricorn woman becomes a reliable assistant to her chosen one. The Pisces man, however talented he is, remains a dreamer who loves building castles in the air. However, in this case, under the castle there will be a solid foundation erected by the Capricorn lady.
The feelings and love of Pisces and Capricorn are different.depth and constancy. The earthly lady is always outwardly calm, calm and even cold, but behind this lies a very temperamental personality. In sex, she behaves with confidence and liberation, not only gives free rein to her imagination, but also actively supports the ideas of her chosen one. Because of this, Pisces man often even becomes a poet and showered his woman with many compliments. The truth sometimes seems to him that the lady of Capricorn could have been more romantic. However, the Pisces man will never say this out loud, since this deficiency is more than compensated for by the woman’s unlimited faith in her masculinity and her rare, especially in our time, conjugal loyalty.
Possible problems

Horoscope "Capricorn and Fish" is designed for typicalrepresentatives of signs. Problems in such a union are rare. However, life is different. Man-Pisces is prone to succumb to someone else's influence and may contact the wrong company (alcohol, gambling, etc.). For a Capricorn woman, it is not typical to control the circle of communication of a loved one and to track him down somewhere — she has a sense of self-esteem. It is extremely difficult to get rid of the bad habits of men-Pisces. Another possible problem is that if the Capricorn lady behaves too harshly and authoritatively, constantly in an order to force Pisces to something, the man will feel uncomfortable in the family and may begin to look for relaxation on the side. Having lost his confidence, it will not be easy to win him again. Except for such moments, the Capricorn-woman-man-Fish couple is quite successful.