/ / Park Geun-hye - the first female president of South Korea

Pak Kun Hye - the first female president of South Korea

South Korea.In the next presidential election, a woman won. In this post, the elected Park Geun-hye replaced Lee Myung-bak. His presidential term expired in February 2013. More than 51% of voters who came to the polls voted for her. The overall turnout in the country was more than 75%.

South Korean President

Power continuity

The name of the President of South Korea is known to residentscountries since the reign of Pak Jong Hee. Although he gave impetus to the development of the economy of South Korea, but was known as a dictator. He led the country until 1979 and died during the assassination. He was shot by a security chief.

Попытки свергнуть диктатора предпринимались и earlier. Five years earlier, his wife was fatally wounded in the theater, with the unsuccessful attempt on Pak Chon Hee. The president did not marry again. After the death of the mother, the daughter unofficially became the country's first lady. Park Geun-hye at that time was 22 years old.

Nearly 40 years after these events she, asthe future president of South Korea, apologized for the crimes of his father and his regime. Kyn Heh asked for forgiveness from the relatives and friends of the victims who suffered from these illegal actions, and said that no success of the country justifies dictatorial terror and political repression.

South Korean President biography

South Korean President: Biography

Park Geun-hye (born 02 .02.1952)) was the first child in the family. Born in Daegu. She has a brother, Ji Mann, and a sister, Xie Yong. High School in Seoul Geun-hye graduated in 1970. There in 1974 she received a bachelor's degree after graduating from Sogan University. Her specialization was electrical engineering. Geun-hye studied Christianity at the seminary and Presbyterian college in 1981. After that, she decided to go into politics.

Kyn Hye did not quit studying.She has three more scientific degrees: in 1987 (University of Chinese Culture), in 2008 (Science and Technology Institute), in 2010 (Sogan University). The president of South Korea was not married, she has no illegitimate children.

Seoul South Korea president

Political activity

For the first time, the deputy of the National Assembly Geun-hyebecame in 1998. She was elected in one of the districts of Daegu’s hometown. Subsequently, three more times (until 2012) was delegated to the National Assembly.

From 2004 to 2006she was the leader of the Great Country Party. This period became successful for its political force. Many analysts linked the numerous victories of the PVS deputies in elections at various levels with her name. In informal circles, Geun-hye was called the “Queen of Elections”, but despite this, in 2007 she was defeated by Lee Myung-bak at the inner-party congress (President of South Korea 2008–2012).

The popularity rating of PVS in 2011 fell.The party was renamed “Senuri”, appointing Geun-hye as its actual leader. The renewed political force won the 2012 parliamentary race and won a majority in the National Assembly.

This success enabled Kyn Hye toBy margin (83% of support), nominate a candidate for the presidency of “Sanuri” and also confidently win in the national elections. Residents of the country supported her candidacy (51%), having decided to entrust the post of head of state.

Name of the President of South Korea

The realities of South Korea

Entering the race, Pak Geun-hyeI understood the challenges that the new president would face. The fact is that during the period of global crisis, the pace of economic development declined in South Korea. Over the past 5 years, the growth rate has fallen below 3% per year. The entire business community, which supported the candidacy of a woman for the responsible post of the head of state during a difficult period, called for her to throw all her strength on the revival of the economy.

Первое, с чем столкнулась Кын Хе, став the leader of the country is the opposition. Its basis - the Democratic United Party, did not want to understand the desire of the president to redistribute the functions of the Cabinet of Ministers and was not ready to change the government. The new president also did not have support among the old team left over from the staff of Lee Myung-bak. His vertical still had to build. At the same time, everyone understood that in order to work effectively, coherence between the work of the ministries and the presidential team is needed. It was not clear when it would be possible to embark on reforms to create a “creative economy.”

Another reality - after the elections Pyongyang (DPRK)again reminded of his nuclear status and warned Seoul (South Korea). The president should try to find an approach to the young leader of North Korea and establish relations between the two neighboring countries.