For any car enthusiast it's no secret thatKorean industry is one of the leading in the world. In the list of the best companies, this state has been in fifth place for several years, behind China, America, Japan and Germany. Surprisingly, unlike other countries in Korea, there are very few car companies. But even so, here you can find hatchbacks, crossovers and sedans for every taste. Korean car brands, the list of which below, are distributed around the world:
- Hyundai;
- KIA;
- SsangYong;
- Daewoo;
- Renault-Samsung Motors.
Historical facts of the Korean automotive industry
After the Second World War, the economy of South Koreahas failed. Only in twenty years the government of the state made an accent not on the production of products of social significance, but on the creation of automobile corporations.
At first Korean car brands gathered in scanty garages, which were only a couple of pieces, from spare parts of American equipment that had become unusable.
The leader of the automotive industry is Hyundai Motor Company.Initially, this company was the property of the concern Ford. Here models of trucks and cars were manufactured under the American brand. When it was necessary to decide on the minimum use of foreign parts, the Korean government ceased cooperation with Ford.
Some Korean car brands, badgeswhich carry a hidden symbolism, went through a difficult path. An example can be KIA Motors. For a long time since the company was formed, it was under somebody's financial wing (Mazda, Fiat, Peugeot). After some time after separation from extraneous corporations, a merger with Hyundai takes place. This allows the creators to equip the machine with new technologies. Since 2000 and to this day among safety cars KIA takes a leading position.
Because of the strong tension in the financial andeconomic sphere of South Korea is a large and well-known for the whole world company Daewoo crashes. It exists till now due to the fact that a small branch in the concern of General Motors has been preserved.
Korean brand of cars SsangYoung MotorCompany for a long time produced cars for the army, but already today specializes in buses and special equipment. Issue of passenger options was made only in the 80's. Because of the crisis, about 70% of the company's rights now belong to Mahindra.
Korean brands of cars, though they wereknown throughout the world, but suffered a fall due to the difficult economic situation. Only Hyundai could not only avoid strong "blows", but also gain a foothold in the automotive market.
Vehicle brand Hyundai and its logo
The undisputed leader of the automotive industry of South Korea is Hyundai. Annual production reaches 2 million models. Until 2011, the world ranked 4th, now is on the fifth.
Logo, placed on the hood, was not inventedrandom and has a profound symbolic meaning. This is not just the first letter of the company name. The sign represents two people holding hands, which fully corresponds to the motto of the company about strong friendship and proper partnership.
Korean car brands - Kia and Daewoo
KIA got the seventh position in the world andsecond place in South Korea. The assortment given to buyers, is rather interesting, after all includes absolutely all classes of modern cars. The logo was made for easy recognition and memorization. The oval, in which the word KIA is enclosed, embodies the whole world, which symbolizes the distribution of products on the territory of all countries of the Earth.
Daewoo-Motors - a company that has replaced more than oneowner. In its country of production, it ranks third. Is in the possession of General Motors. Cars Daewoo are produced under such famous brands as Chevrolet, Opel, Buick, etc.
The company does not have the exact meaning of the emblem.It is treated differently: one version on the icon shows a lotus, on the other - a sea shell. The name translated verbatim "The Great Universe", well suited to both the first version, and to the second.
Korean car brands SsangYong and Renault-Samsung Motors
SsangYong Motor Company is a South Korean company,occupied in the country 4 place on manufacture. It produces SUVs and crossovers. The cars are assembled in such countries as Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
The meaning of the icon is translated as "Two Dragons", which symbolizes good luck. Representatives of the company talked about the ancient legend of the two dragons and the Heavenly Garden, in honor of which the logo appeared.
Renault-Samsung Motors in fact stoppedExistence. It was founded in 1994 as a result of close cooperation between the Samsung Group and Nissan. Because of a strong crisis, the first representative leaves the project. It's a tough time for Renault. The situation has stabilized after in 2000 it was included in the list of subsidiaries of the French concern Renault Group. The Korean brand practically does not go beyond its homeland and is more known there. However, some models are still produced for the foreign market, but under the brands Nissan and Renault.