/ / President of Japan - Akihito. Short life story

President of Japan - Akihito. Short life story

President of Japan, and to be precise,the emperor plays a formal function in the country. He represents the state at any meetings, gatherings where strategic issues of government need not be addressed. If we compare the emperor of Japan with the Queen of Britain, then we can say at once: the latter has more powers. In Japan, all power is concentrated in the hands of the prime minister. The imperial chair is transmitted through the male line.

The president of Japan is now at 83 years old. He received the title of ruler in 1989 and is still to this day. His name is Akihito.

japan president

Akihito family

Solid man who became emperor in 56years, had a different name before taking the throne. His name was Prince Tsugunomiya. The President of Japan, whose name is known to the whole world, was born on December 23, 1933. In the family, the boy is the eldest son and fifth child. His father's name was Hirohito, his mother was Kojiun.

Akihito studied in a special school kadzoku.It is intended only for members of the aristocratic family, other children cannot study in it. The school was opened at Gakushuin University. The boy spent twelve years in the walls of this educational institution and in 1952 received documents about his graduation. Parents wanted to instill in their child a love of knowledge and languages ​​so that they could develop in a versatile way. Therefore, the future president of Japan studied well-known writer Elizabeth Vining. She gave him knowledge of the English language and talked about Western life and culture.

Further training

Сразу после окончания школы Акихито поступил в University for the department of politics of the same university, which contains the specified lower educational institution. In 1952, namely in the second month of autumn, he was officially introduced to the people by the crown prince.

The following year, the guy made a trip to 14 countries around the world, within which he drove to London. There he visited the coronation of Catherine II and spoke on behalf of his father.

The university was completed in 1956.Three years later, the President of Japan married the daughter of the ruler of one of the major milling companies. Thus, he destroyed the tradition of his family to marry only with his partner exclusively aristocratic blood. The woman was born in the society of the intelligentsia.

the president of japan is now

Michiko Sede

Emperor Michiko's wife was born in 1934. 20October Her family is a highly respected union of the Japanese intelligentsia. Moreover, two of her relatives received the highest state award, which the emperor personally awards for outstanding achievements in science. A woman can play the piano and harp. She also likes to spend her free time embroidering. She really likes literature and floristics. While translating the poems of one of the poets of Japan, Michiko made him famous throughout the world, and the author was soon given an honorary award.

Family life

После единогласного одобрения будущей супруги Akihito, the marriage process took place. The family was able to slightly improve the requirements for the imperial union. The President of Japan was able to achieve the cancellation of certain obligations. For example, the family raised the children itself, without resorting to the help of nannies and tutors. And even though they constantly needed to go to official events, the guys (at that time they had two children - a boy and a girl) never suffered from a lack of attention.

what is the name of the president of japan

Akihito - Emperor

In September 1988, the health of the fatherAkihito deteriorated markedly, so he had to take on some responsibilities. He was also honored to open the first session of parliament. Kronprinz received the title of emperor after the death of his mentor in early January 1989. After his appointment in the life of Japan, a new era begins - Heisei. The names of each emperor are associated with one or another period of time, which gets its name. So it is easier to remember the name of the president of Japan of one or another period of government.

japanese president name

Akihito's Interests

Правитель любит биологию и ихтиологию, также как and his late father. For all his life he wrote 25 scientific papers on the topic of "sea bulls". Akihiro is also interested in history. Among the sports the emperor singles out tennis (it was there that the first meeting between the ruler and his wife took place), horse riding.