Japan is a country with a very peculiar culture andetiquette. For Russian and even European in their behavior will be a lot of strange. Workaholism, respect for elders, modesty in communication - all this expresses folk art: hockey poems, fairy tales, proverbs. Japanese customs are represented in them very holistically.

The appearance and character of the Japanese
For example, in the Land of the Rising Suna popular expression: "He who feels shame, he also feels a duty." These words contain not only the features of the national character of the Japanese. It is known that for a long time in Japan great attention was paid to the appearance of a person, his clothes. According to it, social status could be very clearly defined. And the higher he was, the stricter were the requirements. The samurai could not expose their bodies, which caused certain difficulties. For example, they visited the bathhouse, covering their faces so as not to be identified. This is an example of the case when a sense of duty is fraught with shame and increased demands.
Customs and Proverbs: Japanese Etiquette Requirements
Courtesy and respect is one of the mostcharacteristic manifestations of Japanese nature. For example, even the modern process of exchanging business cards in Japan is very different from how it would have happened in Europe. Business cards are transmitted simultaneously with two hands. It is impossible to immediately put the paper in your pocket: you need some time to study it and show interest in writing. Popular requirements, customs, instructions, and reflect many proverbs. Japanese customs are very strict: “Etiquette must be observed even in friendship,” says popular teaching.

Japanese folk wisdom in comparison with the biblical teachings
Winged Expressions of the Land of the Rising Sunsometimes convey wisdom, which is similar to the teachings of other nations. For example, such words: “Where people grieve, mourn and you”. They are very similar to the phrase from the Bible: "Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep." In fact, this elementary truth greatly facilitates communication with people, understanding. To do this, you do not need to finish the faculties of psychology - just turn to ancient sources: whether it is Japanese wisdom or biblical commandments.
Man and his entourage
Japanese sayings and proverbs have absorbedfolk wisdom, for centuries helping ordinary people in their practical life. Another teaching largely reflects the truth, which is now experimentally proved by scientists-psychologists. “The good and the bad in a person depends on the environment”, “If you want to know a person - get to know his friends,” say the proverbs. Japanese sayings, which have existed for more than one century, are trying to confirm modern experiments.
Psychological experiment
For example, psychologists conducted an experiment:students were told to solve math problems. Moreover, one group consisted only of nationally and socially similar ones, while in the other class there were representatives of various Asian countries, which, as is known, have good mathematical skills. Other things being equal, those students who solved tasks in a society of their own kind showed the best results. So great is the influence of the environment on a person.
And if such results were shown in a short-term experiment in solving problems, how great then the influence on a person of friends and close people can turn out to be!

Japanese: a nation of workaholics
As it was said, the Japanese are known for their industriousness,which goes beyond all imaginable boundaries. “Diligence is the mother of success,” says the wisdom of the Land of the Rising Sun. This is very significant in the modern life of Japan. For employees of Japanese companies is not important own career growth. The priority for them is the prosperity of the organization in which they work. In order to avoid problems with the health of their subordinates, the managers strictly ensure that employees leave their jobs on time. Also in Japan, it is impossible not to excuse laid vacation. This lifestyle reflects Japanese proverbs. With the transfer to another company, nothing changes - the traditions on the island are the same everywhere.