/ / Proverbs and sayings: "Oh, sport, you are peace!"

Proverbs and sayings: "Oh, sport, you are peace!"

Большую роль в жизни не только отдельного man, but he played and continues to play sport. It not only improves physical fitness and health. In ancient times, it was the period of the biggest sports competitions - the Olympic Games - that became a time of universal truce, for the sake of these contests, numerous armies ceased fighting, entering into absolutely fair competitions designed to rally them and establish relations between states. Proverbs and sayings, a large number of which somehow affect the sports theme, only confirm the significance of this peaceful competition and related health issues, tempering and the causes of human diseases.

proverbs and sayings about sport

Proverbs and sayings about sport

Sport and any physical activity goinghealth for good, always encouraged. The older generations passed on to the younger ones the simple truth that sufficient mobility is a pledge of good health. From mouth to mouth passed numerous proverbs and sayings about sports. And the phenomenon is not an isolated one - expressions on this topic have arisen not only on the territory of Russia, but also in other countries. For example, these are:

  • Move more - you will live longer.
  • Give the sport time, in return, get health.
  • With sports you are not friends - more than once about that you will put out.

Steady expressions about health and hardening

Proverbs and sayings about sport are folkthe wisdom of educating a healthy generation to replace the elder is not limited. No less attention is paid to how to strengthen health. And one of the most popular methods has been and remains hardening. The theme of health, hardening and their role in healthy life takes an important place among the proverbs and proverbs about sport, in particular, and the right way of life, in general, for all the peoples of the world:

  • And savvy is needed, and hardening is important.
  • If a person becomes hardened, then there is no need to search for magical recipes.

proverbs and sayings about sports

Proverbs and sayings about the causes of diseases

Diseases, alas, very long time and fairly tightlyentered into human life. And this means that proverbs and sayings related to a healthy lifestyle and sport will somehow affect the diseases that negate the whole result of physical activity. Or, on the contrary, they encourage the patient to engage in physical education and sports. About illnesses it is said, for example, in such proverbs:

  • Quick and smart, no disease will catch up.
  • When a patient has many doctors - he dies.
  • Do not succumb, do not go to bed, but lie down - you will not get up.

Sports improves physical fitnessperson, but at the same time checks his moral qualities. From ancient times the strength of the spirit of man and his preparation went alongside on the path to victory: "Without patience, there is no skill"; "Coward does not play hockey".