The value of labor for human civilization is difficult to overestimate. The meaning of the proverb “patience and a little effort all” speaks about this.
Is work good or bad?
Еще с библейских времен труд считался проклятием human The first people sinned, and God punished them. From now on, they became mortal and forced to obtain food by hard work. Work is a burden in terms of the Old Testament.
А К.Marx is not exactly arguing with the Bible, but he says that man has become what he is thanks to work. And the people love those who work a lot, but do not respect idlers at all. In general, the attitude towards idle people is a rather contradictory phenomenon. Immediately and cannot be understood, they are not loved because they are jealous or because people are really convinced of the usefulness of labor not only for the physical, but also for the spiritual development of a person. Simply put, the sooner a person began to earn a living, the earlier he matured. When they remember the meaning of the proverb “patience and a little effort”, they rarely think that persistence and hard work change not only the external space (after all, it’s usually physical work), but also the person himself.
Benefits of labor
Work allows a person to learn something.interesting and necessary, and if he finds a place, he will also gain independence. Labor frees from unnecessary thoughts. The trouble of the modern era is that a person has too much free time, hence a variety of psychological problems and even mental illness. People delve into their relationships, think too much about themselves and their actions. But if they had a job that would take all the forces, then there would be no problems, because they simply wouldn’t have any strength left.
Unfortunately, most do whatwants, only because they did not find anything better or they did not have time to search. To be completely honest, it’s worth mentioning hard work that drives one crazy and turns a person into a slave. But this is extreme, on average, today, a person does not suffer much from work, and when he has a sense of purpose, he can achieve a lot. The meaning of the proverb “patience and hard work all” tells about this: if a person applies a lot of strength to some business, then in any case they will not be wasted.
On the universality of proverbs
Народная мудрость хороша тем, что ее можно attach to almost any situation. So the use of the expression under consideration is suitable for any work. A person digs a vegetable garden to sow him with agrarian cultures, or writes a report for the chief, but doesn’t he have any? In all these cases, the meaning of the proverb “patience and a little effort” will help. The expression can be repeated as a mantra and gain strength.
Saying, familiar since childhood, teaches not to retreatand not surrender to difficulties and fearlessly overcome them. Even if there is no material result from work, then the latter can change a person, temper his spirit. But do not fall into despair - as a rule, if you suffer for a long time, something will work out. True, sometimes the fruit of a person’s labor is not at all what he expected.
So, we considered the phrase "patience and a little effort." The meaning of the proverb is no longer on the agenda.